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The year 2000 is a very special year for Trixie and me. We celebrate our Silver Wedding Anniversary, giving thanks to our Lord Jesus, for twenty five very happy years together. We also praise our God, that this year, we have completed twenty years in full time missionary service. We look back, with true joy and gratitude, for all the Saviour's goodness and kindness to us, over many years!

"I have set the LORD always before me.
Because he is at my right hand,
I shall not be shaken."
PSALM 16:8

The challenge comes to us, to keep on, going on for the LORD, from 2 Kings 13. Here we have Jehoash, King of Israel, who did NOT achieve all that God had for him to accomplish. He only went in for about HALF, of what he could have had from the LORD. This was tragic, not only for himself, but also for his family and for those he ruled over! Symbolically, he struck the ground with the arrows, three times, when according to Elisha the prophet, he should have struck it, five or six times. Because of this, God could only give Israel partial victory over their enemies. The King would not get the total victory that the LORD longed to give him!

King Jehoash, like many people today, was an under-achiever. We don't want to be like that... do we? The trouble was DIVIDED LOYALTIES. The King, sadly, was not fully committed to the LORD. He was an "on-the fence" kind of a guy - the LORD in one hand and idols in the other! GOD plus something else! IT NEVER WORKS! You know that!

In contrast, look at Elisha's life. He was on his death bed but was full of the LORD, totally committed to Him and had served GOD faithfully for some sixty years, during the reigns of six different kings. Here he was, passing on the WORD of the LORD to Jehoash.

"O LORD, I pray that I will be full of CHRIST, each day until I lie on my death bed, and even then that I will be faithfully passing on Your WORD to all who come to visit me. LORD I want to be like Elisha, not like Jehoash."

But there's more...

Elisha died and was buried. Some Israelites were burying a friend when they were attacked by raiders. They threw the man's body into Elisha's tomb and when the body touched Elisha's bones, the man came to life and stood up on his feet.

"O LORD, I pray that I'll be so filled with Your SPIRIT that even after I die, others may be saved and brought to new LIFE, as a result of some word I spoke, prayer I prayed or kindness I showed. For Jesus' sake. Amen."

No turning back...

"And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead." HEBREWS 11:4

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