Joshua .. Crossing over!

Do you know that God has a plan for your life? Have you ever realised that He does not intend you to stay where you are, at this moment? Are you feeling low or depressed or empty? Perhaps you have been hurt by a friend? Or are you burdened by things that you feel you have no control over?

Well, we have some VERY GOOD NEWS for you .. GOD HAS SOMETHING BETTER FOR YOU!!Amazing Bridge Photo

Yes, it is TRUE!

Do you feel like you can't go on? Do you feel like someone stuck in the middle of a BRIDGE, who feels he can't go forward or back?

Well, can we tell you, that, with God's help, YOU CAN MOVE FORWARD. If you TRUST Him and put your trembling hand in His ROCK STEADY HAND, He will see you safely onward.

In the Book of Joshua, chapter 1, in the Bible we read that the people of Israel are now camped on the banks of the flooding Jordan River. Moses has died, and Joshua is their new Leader. The people have been through a really rough time, having been slaves in Egypt and then having lived for many years in a hot, barren desert. But the LORD has SOMETHING BETTER for every one of them. HE is going to take them safely over the Jordan River, into a GOOD LAND, that He has promised to give them. It is a rich, fertile land .. a land flowing with milk and honey!

If you read the chapter, you will see that God is calling the people to get ready to CROSS OVER to SOMETHING BETTER!

Have YOU ever realised that GOD LOVES YOU? He has a plan for your life that involves GOOD THINGS! He is calling YOU right now. He wants YOU to sit up and to get READY for the GOOD THINGS that He has for YOU! LISTEN for His voice and He will surely tell YOU how to GET UP from where YOU are and CROSS OVER into all that He has PREPARED for YOU!

"Now then YOU... get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give YOU..." JOSHUA 1:2


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