The men, who had been drinking wine and beer, were all fine, and were calling out, "Can your Jesus not cure you?" and, "Did Moses not cross the Red Sea? Can your God not help you on this sea?" Despite their bravado and jokes, I knew they were a bit anxious and were wondering if I'd be up to the driving, later on. Someone has said there are three stages of sea sickness; the first is you think you're going to die; the second is you know you're going to die; the third is you wish you were dead! I was definitely at the third stage!

My faith was at an all time low. Over and over again I prayed and asked God, "Why?" I was serving Him and had told the men about Him - now I wouldn't be able to open my mouth again. How could I tell them about a God who could help them - when they saw that He wouldn't help me? I was in despair!

Once ashore, I was immediately better and was able to enjoy some food and drink before driving home. The men were happy and enthusiastic; they'd all caught fish and had a wonderful time. We stopped to play a round of Crazy Golf, on the way home. I was healthy again but felt I had lost face before them as a Christian. I just had nothing to say to them - no explanation and I felt so let down by the Lord.

Later that night, when the men came to the club we were running for them, they said to Trixie, "Well, did you hear about him - the only one sick, out of all of us?"
I didn't know what she was going to say but I was gob-smacked at her reply, as it came direct from Heaven, "Ray must have loved you an awful lot, to go through all that for you! "
They were speechless, and to this day have never brought it up again!

Do you know, whenever I think of my Lord Jesus being cursed, laughed at, punched, battered, flogged and nailed to a cross, I have to say to myself, "HE MUST HAVE LOVED ME AN AWFUL LOT, TO GO THROUGH ALL THAT FOR ME! "

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