<bgsound src="http://www.multimidizone.co.uk/midifiles/film/2001.mid" loop=infinite>



Hope you have enjoyed your trip to The Salkeld Family and will return often. Would like to stress again the importance of members of the family contributing information for these pages. Every piece of information is important and we all ask you to share. If you have anything new for the Name, Place, History, Men and Women pages please email it to me. Anything interesting for the Notes, Who Are You, Lookin'For pages please send it. If you have a website or webpage please let me know so that it may be included on the page for Cool Links.

If you any pictures, any pictures, which would fit on any of the pages, and don't forget the Family Album please send them via email. The only restriction is they must be under 13,000 bytes and sent to me in jpg or gif form.

Any suggestions, comments, or constructive criticism are all welcome. Thank You!
