Washing Cloth Diapers

(this is what works for us. other people have different methods)
(Our washing system requires no toilet dunking!)

•It is best to wash around 2 dozen diapers at one time - more than that can lead to not enough water circulating, the dipes don't get clean enough, and you get stinky diapers!

These are general washing instructions. Some diapers (especially all-in-ones) are fussy. We are not buying "fragile" diapers, as we believe diapers should be washed in hot and with soap or detergent as the user sees fit.

•Put all the dirty diapers into the washer. Do a full rinse/spin cycle to remove urine/poops.

•Add the wet diapers and do another rinse cycle

• Add 1/4 c soap (or detergent), washing soda/baking soda and run on WarmLarge load. [After using the Ultra Fresh Breeze Laundry Soap, we have been able to eliminate the washing soda]

•Add 1/4 c soap (or detergent), washing soda/baking soda and run on HOT/Large load. Add 1/4-1/2 cup vinegar to the rinse cycle. [After using the Ultra Fresh Breeze Laundry Soap, we have been able to eliminate the washing soda]

•Dry on high until dry or on clothes line. The high temperature in the dryer and the sun tends to bleach out any stains. DO NOT use bleach - it will damage the fibers in the diapers.

•There are some mis-conceptions about washing with soap. Some people say that it creates a film and reduces absorbancy. We have not had that problem - in fact, the diapers are beautifully soft and wonderfully absorbant. We wholeheartedly reccomend soap as an inexpensive and effective cleaner. SoapWorks has a page that discusses soap vs. detergents, and Daisy Diapers reccomends soap for washing diapers.

•Covers are best washed alone or with other laundry (on warm or cold). Covers should not be washed on hot or with bleach. Follow Manufacturer's directions.

•Fleece covers can be washed on hot, but should be washed with SOAP, not detergent, as detergent can lead to the fleece leaking.

•Wool needs special care. I need to locate my wool washing and re-lanolizing instructions (or a link), and then I will post it.

hanging diapers out to dry in the sun can remove all kinds of stains!

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last modified by RRA 10/13/00