The following was contributed to me by Iris Lee.
I am not certain who originally copied the record, but Iris would know.
You can contact Iris for more details.
Will Book 5, pp. 325 - 327, Orange County VA.
In the name of God Amen, I WILLIAM PEACHER of Orange County and State of Virginia, being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make and constitute this my last will and testament revoking all others by me made.
Item. I wish all my just debts and funeral expenses to be first paid out of any property of mine which my executors hereafter named may judge best.
Item. I will my beloved wife, FRANCES PEACHER, to have the use of the plantation on which we live and her first choice of four of my slaves together with all of the plantation utensils and household and kitchen furniture, for and during her natural life, for her own use and comfort under the judgment and direction of my executors.
Item. I wish the slaves who remain on after my wife has taken out her choice, to remain in the hands of my executors for their disposal for the benefit of my estate which is to be equally divided between all my children born to me by my beloved wife, FRANCES PEACHER, at her death. It is to be understood that my intention and wish is as I have let some of my children have some part of my property first and last. The last division ( is ) to be at the death of my wife, and the first at some convenient time after my death. I wish of my children to have heir equal division, except my daughter SUKY BLEDSOE ( Susana Peacher Bledsoe ) who married JOHN BLEDSOE. My will is that her part remain in the hands of my executors for her and her children's comfort and use. And in manner so executed that JOHN BLEDSOE be completely barred or in any manner using or enjoying any part of my estate during his natural life. My reason for excluding JOHN BLEDSOE is his conduct towards my daughter SUKY BLEDSOE and her children. My daughter SUKY BLEDSOE is other words to have her part as the others, she and her heirs at the final division after the death of my wife, provided that it can be done without JOHN BLEDSOE having or enjoying any part of it.
Item. I give at the final division to all my children, except SUKY as above and her heirs, each one's part to them and their heirs forever. My son ALEXANDER PEACHER and I have swapped or exchanged a family of negroes. I gave him a negro woman named HANNAH and her two children, named MARY and JAMES. I likewise gave to him and his heirs forever in lieu of his part of my lands, two negro boys named LAWRENCE and THEINDON ( ? ). Also my wish and will is that in the last division he has at valuation a negro woman named CHARLOTTE in his division.
Item. My will and particular desire is that any of those who have or may have an interest in this my will that he not go to Law to decide any matter of contest of this instrument, but each of the parties shall choose a disinterested neighbor, and if they as referees cannot agree, they are to choose a third person. The judgment or decision thus had shall be final and decisive between the parties.
Item. I constitute and appoint my two sons, WILLIAM PEACHER and EDMUND PEACHER, executors to this my last will and testament. In testimony of which I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty-eighth day of November one thousand eight hundred and nineteen. In the presence of JAMES MASON, JOHN W. RICHARDS, JOHN GRADY, DAVID TINDER.
Signed ( William's mark ) William Peacher
At a court held ... December 1819 ... proved ... with BENJAMIN WRIGHT, and WILLIAM WRIGHT, their securities... bond in the penalty of ten thousand dollars.
Will Book 5, pp 345넢. Estate appraisal given 28 Jan 1820; rec 26 June 1820.
Will Book 6, pp 460 - 461. Estate account of WILLIAM AND EDWARD ( EDMUND ? ) PEACHER settled 3 November 1824; rec 25 June 1827.
Will Book 8, pp 78 - 79. Estate account of EDMUND ROW administrator of WILLIAM and FRANCES PEACHER Mentions payment to one MARTHA PETTIS; rec 24 Nov 1834 ( Considering the date of this entry, makes me wonder if this should have been with WM PEACHER, JR.'s will.)
Orange County VA
Recorded 27 May 1822.
Orange County, Virginia
28 November 1819
Deed Book 29, page 348 Ref: 22 Sept 1821.
GEORGE BLEDSOE and JOANNAH, his wife of the County of Orange and JONATHAN PITCHER ( sic ) of Woodford County, State of Kentucky, of the one part, sell to ALEXANDER PITCHER of the County of Orange, Virginia of the othere part for 赀.00, all their right, title, interest and claim to land of which WILLIAM PITCHER, late of the said County of Orange died seized ( sic - should this be ' deceased ' ? ) and which title was vested in them by the last Will of the said WILLIAM PITCHER...
Note: The name is later spelled PEACHER by the Justices and Recording Clerk.
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