Paula's Genealogy Place | ||||||||||||||
Surnames | ||||||||||||||
Please click on the underlined surname of your choice to see where they are in my family tree! | ||||||||||||||
Alexander, Armstrong, Ashbey, Baker, Ball, Barrett, Buckalew, Burton, D'Alessandro, Dobransky, Drust, Drusez, Fecho, Gilbert, Gooch, Hlatky, Hendricks, Hinton, Hresko, Hrubovcak, Kennedy, Loudenslager, Matej, Matti, Matty, Matyi, Mayfield, Miller, Moore, Morris, Naylor, Popelas, Postle, Postlethwait, Postlethwaite, Rosputinsko, Scurek, Sees, Shane, Streight, Tucker |
NOTE: All of these surnames are in my direct line. I have very little information on the branches of these Surnames. All the information in my family tree is to the best of my knowledge. I do however, have source documents and records going back several generations. | ||||||||||||||