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Lori Postlethwait - 10/31/99 19:32:40
My Email:larrylorip@aol.com

Hi,we can trace our family back to Matthew Postlethwaite in england,we are related to John Postlethwaite,was wondering if we could get copies of the pictures you have on net,would be glade to pay or trade for some of my old family pictures.please let me know .Thanks so much

Ed Martin - 10/22/99 06:14:58
My Email:emartin@rcvideo.com

Paula, I very much enjoyed your handi-work. I especially liked your family pictures. It was nice to see some people I remember. Thanks and Best Wishes.

Charles R. Taliaferro - 09/26/99 03:35:39
My URL:http://www.assentweb.com/taliaferro
My Email:charles@taliaferro.net

You have a most informative website and I learned a lot about your family's heritage.

Rose Kuzma - 08/23/99 23:57:30
My Email:kuzhome@juno.com

my great gram was a Marie Mayti she married Andrew Grega about 1869 and her children were born in Nizna Mysle near Kocise

Sean Shraden "Levi" Hasley - 07/12/99 22:18:05
My Email:venture@mwr.is

Good Evening Paula, Let me introduce myself first, I am the Greatgrandson of Caroline "Pearl" Flickinger, and she was the daugther of Lewis Postlethwaite Flickinger born 1849, and son of Susanna Postlethwaite born 1804. She was the daugther of Samuel Postlethwaite, who was born 1774. Samuel was the son of John Postlethwaite III, born 1766. His father was John Postlethwaite II, born 1736 or 37. Son of the elder John Postlethwaite and born about 1670. If you have any additional information, that we can share, please feel free to drop an e-mail at venture@mwr.is. This has helped me greatly in my quest for finding out about my family. Thank you very much! Sincerely, your distant, distant cousin. Sean Shraden "Levi" Hasley

Melissa Matty Kimak - 06/22/99 18:48:53
My Email:melissa@mattynet.com

Its great to have so much of my family history all in one place! You've done such a wonderful job with the research and with your site. I've shown the site to everyone I work with and they are all so very impressed! Keep up the good work - I look forward to seeing more of what you are able to uncover! Lots of love and thanks - Melissa

Bill Anderson - 06/15/99 19:56:13
My URL:/~banderson205/
My Email:billfl@atlantic.net

Nice site,,I am looking for history on Giltinan,Gilman,Anderson,Powers Vancamp and others for my web site.. My G.Grandfather William Giltinan,was born Country Cork Ireland,,1825,,Married Margaret Powers,1859. My Grandfather Axel Anderson,,born in Sweden. They all settle,,near Warren Pa. THANK YOU BILL

Bill Postle - 06/14/99 20:46:36
My Email:OZZ320@aol.com

Very nice site! Very helpful! Thanks!

Tyler - 06/13/99 04:11:28
My Email:tyler@mattynet.com

I love my mommy! Doesn't she have a nice site! Please sign her guest book!

Paula - 06/13/99 04:09:48

I screwed up my last guest book! Just checking to make sure I got it right this time! Thank you!

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