Notes from KFOR and Skopje
26 June 1999
For those of you first accessing this web-page since my deployment, I will give you a short history of how I arrived here and just what I am doing to support the operation.

On June the 17th our higher headquarters AFSOUTH, tasked our headquarters LSE in Izmir Turkey to provide a Public Information Officer to support Operation Joint Guardian in either FYROM or Pristina Kosovo.

I deployed to Naples Italy on Tuesday the 22nd of June to catch a flight leaving from there to Skopje Macedonia on the 24th. I arrived at the rear PIC (Press information center) on that day and have been working here ever since.

I am currently working as the media operations officer for the PIC, although I have quickly become a jack of all trades ,relying heavely on my signal knowledge to keep the systems here up and running. We are currently a very small organization, operating with only a staff of 6 people. The majority of personnel moved to the forward PIC in Pristina a few days before I arrived.

Skopje is still humming with activity, as countries move their units through here on there way north to Kosovo. It is incredible to see the shear volume of effort that is being committed towards the operation.

I will try to give periodic updates from day to day of my experiences here, so check back every few days to see what I have added to the page. I have included some good links to sites that will give you a background and current information on the operation here in FYROM and in Kosovo.

Marty A. Angeli
Maj, SC
30 June 1999
1 July Trip to Pristina