The News

News From And
For The County

The News

Guidelines, Issue II

In This Issue

Welcome from the County Commissioner
Dates for your diary
Meet the County Team, with Fiona Macintosh
News From around the County
News about People


Welcome to issue II, from the County Commissioner

For some of you, the lighter nights will mean only one thing - getting out-of-doors with the girls!! It might be a sausage sizzle, shared fellowship with Guides or Rangers on an overnight hike or just simply sitting round a campfire toasting mallows or cooking dampers and singing, laughing, exchanging stories.

However, not all our girls will be lucky enough to go outdoors with their units, have fun on Pack Holiday or develop new skills as campers, pioneers and backwoodswomen. Guiders often lack the confidence to share these activities with the girls because they feel they can't do them themselves - never having been shown how!

With this in mind, the Pack Holiday Advisor and Camp Advisor have been busy planning for Guider Trainings. The camping session is being arranged prior to County Camp and will cover whatever aspect of camping you want. The Pack Holiday training will be later in the year with a view to encouraging more of you to go for Licences in the new millennium. Both Trainings will be informal. Do go along and meet with other Guiders who are just as apprehensive as yourself. You will be surprised at what you already know and how much fun it will be.

Brownie Guiders wishing to develop camping skills to enable them to take up future opportunities for International Selection, can also come along. D.C.s already have some camp training details - make contact now! I'm looking forward to meeting with you at one, or both, events.

Elizabeth Duff County Commissioner

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Dates for your diary

County Training Weekend at Netherud 17 September1999
9th October Pack Holiday Training, Killearnan.
24 June 2000 National Guide Day, Celebration bonfires to be lit nation-wide.

Deadlines for News to Carol
21 June 1999 Ross-shire Journal Column
26 July 1999 R-J Column
23 August 1999 R-J Column
6 Sept 1999 Deadline for news for Issue 3/99 of Newsletter
27 September 1999 R-J Column

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Meet the County Team

This issue the spotlight is on Fiona MacIntosh, County Camps Advisor (CCA). Fiona says of her appointment "Camping Question? - ask me! Hopefully I'll be able to answer them, if not, I'll find the answer for you. I can help out with finding campsites in other areas or put you in touch with someone who can let you know about their area. I hear of camps happening elsewhere in Scotland such as Shindig'99 and Castle Ceilidh. I give permission for people to camp in our County, and if any Ross-shire groups are camping out of the area, I need to hear about that too. I am also the tester for both the Guide Camper Interest Badges."

Arranging the Annual Ross-shire County Camp causes groans of despair in my house, with husband Alastair imagining the hallway cluttered with assorted bags and boxes having to be hauled from one place to another (I' m sure most Guider's partners will identify with that!). Thankfully, he copes admirably well and continues to assist wherever he can.

To encourage Guiders from Ross-shire to catch the Camping Bug, I am planning a Camping Get Together, to help us all prepare for Camp. Experienced and novice Campers will be able to get together to meet and share experiences and ideas.

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News from around the County

Culbokie Brownies and Guides have a Web Site! The address is
Feel free to e-mail all of the Guiders mentioned on the site, they would be pleased to chat with you. The site also has some great links to other Guide sites to follow. (N.B. if you are thinking of designing a Unit Web Site please follow the advice given on the Guide Association site for your own protection, i.e.

Marion MacDonald, Education Officer (WHAM), 01349 863441. Marion would be delighted to come and tell any units about Recycling, she has some excellent fun activities to get her message across.

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News About People

Congratulations to Ullapool Brownies and Guides who raised £560 at their Mother's Day Sale.

Thanks to the Bank of Scotland, Dingwall for part-funding a years production of this newsletter.

Well Done to -Tain District. Guides have restarted again after over a year's break.

Evanton Brownies and Guides Clean Up!

Evanton Guides & Brownies. (Right) 27 girls collected 10 bags of rubbish from around the Cromarty Firth coastline.


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This newsletter should have been received by every adult involved in Guiding in Ross-shire by post. If you know of anyone who did not receive their copy, or of individuals/organisations who should receive a courtesy copy please advise Carol.

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Page Created 23 May 1999
Page Last Updated on 18 November 1999