The Guide Association Environment Challange

Over 70 Guides and Young Leaders rose to the challenge set by the Guide Association to help plant 1,000,000 trees for the millennium

In partnership with Forest Enterprise, WHAM (Waste Highland Action for Minimisation), Forward Scotland and the Northern Constabulary, the girls made a day of it by planting trees, learning how to make bat boxes, orienteering and turning junk into bird feeders.

The Environment Challenge set by the UK Guide Association has seen girls choose to recycle 1,000,000 aluminium cans, save 1,000,000 kgs of co2 or plant 1,000,000 indigenous trees in their area by February 2000.

Making Bat Boxes

Planting Trees

Guides came from all over Ross-shire and from Inverness to the Black Isle to take part in what is proving to be one of the most popular challenges to be launched by the Guide Association. Elizabeth Duff, Ross-shire Guide Association County Commissioner, said, "the popularity of the day shows how seriously the girls take environmental issues, in fact we had so many girls who wanted to take part that we had to limit places!".

Here are some photos from the day

A fine tea by the Trefoil Guild Dig Dig Dig! We are Orienteering and more Orienteering

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Page Created 23 May 1999
Page Last Updated on 18 February 2000