You've gotten to the first page of my site. Now you can decide what you'd like to see next:
Kasli. It's a small town in the Southern
Urals. The Author of these pages was born and grew up in this town. This
link will lead you to a text that introduces the town of Kasli.
The Arts of Kasli. The town of Kasli is known for its artificial
iron products -- sculptures, tableware etc. In my gallery I'm showing some
of these objects. You can view this gallery as small clickable pictures
or just start a slide show that will load a new picture every 14 seconds.
Please choose: "Thumbnails" or "Slide
A Town in the Iron Design: 250 Years Kasli.
(In Russian only!). It's an online version of the brochure that
was issued on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the town in 1997. Sorry, only
in Russian available!...