Welcome to my cyber-adoptions page!

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Mesmerilda The Priestess

Here's my baby boy!

His name is Christopher

Here he is! He's just learning to crawl still

This is where my baby sleeps

Here is Christopher's favorite toy

This is where I got Christopher from. Please support them and add a baby to your page too!

Here is my adopted Teddy. Her name is Amical.

Isn't she the smallest, cutest?

And this is her bedroom

And these are her toys

My adoptedlollipopwill be here soon!

I've also got a little girl


As you can see, Amy was premature. But she's still quite active. And I love her anyway.

Here is her bedroom

Amy needs this cause she's scared of the dark

As you can see, this is Amy's ball and her booties

I'll soon be getting a little dog. He's quite active also, that's why I've got to keep him fenced in. I wouldn't want him running off and hurting one of the others.

My dog Jakewill be here soon too. He's a dalmatian/lab mix. He's very cute!

Here's my adopted flower Sheena

To adopt a flower like this one, click on it

Here's Minou, my kitten

She always does her "personal" things behind this

By looking at his things, you will notice he's quite prissy.

Here are the things he likes to eat and play with

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