Head Harbour Light, also known as East Quoddy Light, was established in 1829. It is on the outermost rock of east Quoddy Head on Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada.
My husband, Doug, was the Principal keeper there for eleven years, 1960-1971.
Photo courtesy of Canadian Coast Guard
Photo courtesy of Canadian Coast Guard
Mary Snell grew up at Head Harbour in the early
part of the 19th century, moving to Ontario in 1871.
She later wrote a book in which she reminisced
about her youth and spoke of Head Harbour,
"Often on a
pleasant evening I was agreeably surprised by a party
of eight or ten, or perhaps a dozen of my young
friends, who would come to see me from the village,
which was about a mile and a half distant.
After the usual greetings were exchanged and some time
conversation, those who could sing did so, while I
played on the melodeon. Thus pleasantly passed many a
winter evening in my home at Head Harbor. We were a
lone family, having no kindred near, but many friends."
Mary lost her sight as a young girl, so
it must have been a difficult place to live.