Some wonderful people in my life and their favorite links
In the short time I have been on the internet, I have met SO many amazing people.
Below are some of their favorite haunts, and links to their persoanl homepages if they have one
Check them out and ENJOY !!
Trisha.... Oh the things I could put on here about this woman !! *wicked grin*
She is my dear net friend, her sense of family, loyalty and this ladies integrity make her one in a million.
She is the person I have chatted to the longest and possibly the lady I chat with the most as well.
Now, for some UNKNOWN reason I have not convinced her to make her own page, ( oh but I will keep trying !! ha ha )
Her favorite link of course ... is
Please check it out you won't be disapionted. *hugs* sweet lady !!
Drklady....There is just FAR too much I could say about this lady,
she is a true friend, and has been a blessing to my entire family.
She is not only classy, she is loads and I mean LOADS of fun too !!
( so is her husband, and a GREAT spades partner too!! )
She has a web page, so check it out click here and her favorite haunt is this so go look !
Gr8guy....Well, sometimes a person's nickname doesn't fit them at all, that is NOT the case here.
He is my problem solver, always willing to listen and let me figure things out.
His patience as I struggled to learn enough html to put this page together should have him up for a medal !!
Thanks for everything my friend!
His favorite haunt is this for the latest stock market numbers.
Click here for his homepage.
Mystre....One thing about this lady that is no mystre, is her love for her children
and her ability to be a kind and loving friend.
Her favorite link, well, if you like General Hosptital then you know who INGO is !!
Well for all you EVER wanted to know about him
and MORE be sure to check out Ingo Rademacher
Steve....He is the very first person I met in a chat room.
Through the months, well now years, he has become so important to me.
He is like a brother to me, and is a wonderful man. I am so blessed to have met him.
His favorite haunt at the moment is Christian Cafe Check it out.
Still taking applications, just forward resume to my emial *laughs*
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