I have to leave my name? What kind of place is this??? - 10/05/00 03:18:19
My Email:flirtyokie@yahoo.com
Favorite quote: Veni, Vidi, Vici !
Well, I hadn't been here for a while, so I thought I would cum by and say Hi. Don't forget to change the sheets afterward! I just hate to roll over in one of those foot wide wet spots! Hehehe. Behave Babe, and if not, well change the sheets again!
Flirty, the one and only!
clara scarberry - 08/23/00 11:12:54
My URL:/Heartland/Garden/6450/
My Email:Dgram7@yahoo.com
Favorite quote: The Golden Rule
Hi Tracey! I just inished having a look through your pages and I am so glad that I dropped in. Your pages are wonderful. I am so lucky to have found such a loving and caring group of ladies.I
ish you luck in all of your endeavors.
(((Special Loth Hugs)))
Iris *lol*
Hi Tiss! Well I have finally got back to your site to look around and it is really nice and well done. I really liked the links you have for the "home school" and your adoption part is excellent.Thanks for sending out my email
o the ladies! :-) Kassie thanks you for visiting her site,and your kind words, she worked really hard on it! Have a great weekend loth sister.Lots of hugs saramia & kassie
Hi! I enjoyed my visit here so much, I would like to invite you eo visit our website, Divine Divas of the Web.
Feel free to write us with any questions you might have, and perhaps even apply for membership into our organization. Once accepted, you will be notified via e-mail of your acceptance, you will recieve a personalized membership logo to place on your webs
From Earth's farthest reaches, Forged from Diversity, Finding solace together, We stand as One
Divine Divas of the Web does not discriminate against persons of any Race, Religion, Beliefs, or Creed. We welcome diversity!!!
shan - 07/31/00 10:36:11
My URL:http://shankara2001.tripod.com/
My Email:shankara2001@yahoo.com
Favorite quote: Do not explain yourself to anyone, your enemies wont believe you anyway, and your friends dont require it. (cant remember who said it...will come
o me after I leave of course) hahaha hmm i think it was Elbert Hubbard or something like that...
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
very nice site Tracey.....
- 07/28/00 16:21:14
Carmen Gonzales - 07/12/00 04:45:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/carmster1999/
My Email:carmster6t9@earthlink.net
Hi there, I got to your site from a guestbook and thought I would stop by,I LOVE the graphics, they are beautiful, you have a great site and I will be sure to stop by again...See ya again real soon, Later Gator,Carmen
Debie - 07/11/00 15:08:45
My URL:http://hop.to/whispers6
My Email:meeko2@telusplanet.net
Hi Tiss
LOTH sis Debbie from Region #22, coming by to say hi. Your site is great and I loved peeking in every corner.
I'll see you later for tea...come on over...:0)
terri - 05/27/00 02:48:18
My URL:http://www.ourgreatfamily.org
My Email:terrih@email.com
Favorite quote: To thy ownself be true!
I enjoyed your great web site and will come visit again!
Flirty - 01/14/00 06:00:58
My Email:flirtyone1@yahoo.com
Favorite quote: No! Don't! Stop! (actually meaning) NO DON"T STOP!!!
Hey you sexy babe of the north. I just had to run by and make a mess of your page again! LOLOL Did you know you can becum dehydrated by too many orgasms? : )))
Rev. Johannes Erich Myors - 01/01/00 03:27:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Geyser/7165
My Email:pprayers@yahoo.com
Favorite quote: Don't just Talk It, Walk It
Shalom from a fellow member of the Help the Innocent Children WebRing. I pray that next year will be more encouraging and productive than this one has. Thank you for making a stand to protect our children. So have I. Take care in Y'shua.
Rob - 12/25/99 01:10:44
My Email:mr_right91@hotmail.com
Hey Tracey,
my ICQ name is Mysteryman32 if you want to add
me.....I would like that
(((((( MWAH ))))))))
Love ya
Rob Peterson - 12/24/99 23:33:20
My Email:mr_right91@hotmail.com
Wow you have come along way on your page...I am proud of you... Keep up the GREAT work....
Miki - 11/19/99 00:14:57
My URL:/Heartland/Acres/5582
My Email:miki4@concentric.net
Favorite quote: "What we have here is a failure to communicate, some men you just can't reach." Cool Hand Luke
Hi. I made it to your page! It's great. Good luck with the homeschooling. I know you've made a good choice.
Miki - 09/21/99 19:33:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/5582
My Email:miki4@concentric.net
Favorite quote: What we have here is a failure to communicate, some men, you just can't reach.
Great page.
Lisa Erickson - 09/11/99 05:16:11
My Email:blrerickson@hotmail.com
Beautiful Tracey as is everything you touch!
Shaper - 08/16/99 20:09:10
Favorite quote: There is a time for everything the secret is knowing it
As I wander through these pages I see a heart that is soft and pure. God bless you littleone may your dreams be fulfilled and your heart be always filled with the joy of life and love
It gives Me much pleasure to see these pages and gives Me much pride in the fact that I "know" you
well done precious one
Devilish1 - 07/29/99 06:59:58
My Email:HorneyGuy@cum4me.edu
Favorite quote: Those who can "DO" Those who can't "Work for the government" Those that can do neither "TEACH"
I had nothing better to do at 2:00 in the morning. Mare had gone to bed and no sex for poor Johnny Bill. : )))
Flirty_Who? - 07/09/99 01:12:38
My Email:FlirtyOne@sexed.cum, whoops, com
Favorite quote: Do I really need a quote???
Hey Babe,
Wondered if you could cum and homeschool me on some of the finer points of ....... whoops, moaning? loud screams? Heavy breathing perhaps? Oh well, maybe later. : ((( Roflmao!
Love ya Free,
Johnny Bill
Terri - 06/20/99 07:32:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/cottage/9386/index.html
My Email:tatyson@hotmail.com
Cool site. Enjoyed the tour. Visit mine when you can.
FlirtyOne - 06/04/99 06:23:06
My Email:flirtyone1@yahoo.com
Hey great page Babe. Here is that website you wanted to know about .....
We suggest trying the "Peter Meter" first!!!
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