Sabrina Paige Aisenberg

Missing ~ Endangered ~ Child Is In Danger!

You may use this page as a printed flyer. Please print and post everywhere!

The photo on the left side was taken of Sabrina shortly before she was discovered missing. The photo on the right is an aged progression photo of her at 3 years old.
If you have information concerning this abduction, please contact:
The Hillsborough County Sheriff. (813) 247-8688 or (813) 247-8691,
Fax # 1(813)247-8750 - Attn: Sabrina Aisenberg Task Force

Sabrina's Information:

Date Missing: 11-24-97
Missing from: Valrico, Florida
Date of Birth: 6-27-97
Age at disappearance: 5 months old (now 3 years old)
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 2’ 6”
Weight: 20 lbs.
Eyes: Blue (could now be brown)
Hair: Brown (could now be blonder)
Circumstances: Sabrina was taken from her residence in Valrico, Florida between 12:00 am and 6:30 am on November 24,1997. She was wearing a lavendar one piece sleeper with a floral pattern and has a blue and yellow handmade blanket with yellow piping and decorated with animals.

Identifying birthmarks: Sabrina has dots in the shape of a "Y" below her right shoulder. ~ or ~
Official WebSite of Sabrina:
Changes last made by Marvelicious on: Thu Mar 8, 2001
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