"Why?" E-Mail Comments-Page 3

Concerning the murders in high schools. As I watch the uprise of violence in my country it pales in comparison to the uprise in ignorance. I am sickened by the demogouges who would cry for gun control after school shootings, and yet support or remain voiceless when over 30 million unborn children have been butchered inside their mothers womb. New age philosophy has taken root in America's youth. They were taught they were animals and now it is showing. The simularities between NAZI Germany and our society is frightening. Our citazens elected a murderer for executive leadership, and now marvel at society's ills, and want to decieve themselves or others that gun control is the answer. The shootings in these schools are a terrible tradgedy, and I hope it never happens again. But why are guns so singled out? Way more teens are killed in drunk driving accidents, yet there is no mention of alcohol control. Plus, there are many police who are bad, and have murdered, should we implament gun control on them? Guns have been in U. S. homes from the beginning, why now is there such a problem? And now we send socialist counselors in, but not Christian counselors. Well, now we have chaos, looks like it was by design.

I was reading some of the comments, which reminded me of a small bomb threat at the nearby schools including my own. It was a joke, and nothing happened all though many did not apear on that day. Mainly my opinion of all these opinions and other things running about about school violence cannot be changed unless the students change themselves. I know how cruel other students can be. I have been on the brink of chaos but always try to steer away from going to far. To all the people who have lost loved ones to these School shootings and such, I am sorry for you...but as I have said and others have said, nothing can be stopped unless the cruelness stops. No one knows much about what happens in schools, but being a teenager now is maybe the worse thing for the time unless you are "popular" ETC. Well that's mainly what I have to say, thanks.

I want you to know that in November of 1968 in Vietnam, I was witness to a lovely young girl (three or four years old), stepping on a landmine some 50 or 60 meters in front of me.
To this day, over thirty years later, I can still see her smiling at me just before she disappeared after stepping on the mine.
Each time I see a young girl of that same age, I get all choked up inside and have a great deal of trouble dealing with that.
I have a difficult time controlling myself whenever I see someone hurting a young child,
I will be cursed till the day I die with the thought of this precious little girl getting killed in front of me.
I curse those who abuse any child, and even as a Christian I fear that they would suffer my wrath if I see them doing it.
Vietnam Veteran
Never To Come Home Again!

Hi......My name is Julia and I have three sons and I have been a bus driver......in the richest neighbor hood to the poorest literally! There is no line between these children!!! Anyone who thinks so is a fool. I have had kids on my bus...one was a kindergartener who had to wear halloween costumes to school because her mom didn't have the money to buy her any. I would get bags of clothes from the school and I made sure that the bags got to her mom..where they went from there I have no clue because that little girl continued to wear the halloween costumes! I have seen kids in the nicest neighborhoods-$300,000 homes who dressed as I would dress mine....no $60.00 jeans and no $120.00 tennis-shoes.....and no furniture in their homes. I was often the first adult to see these kids and after school they would be going home to an empty house when parents weren't going to be home until 7 or 8 pm.....this was a daily thing!! Laws have made it impossible for parents to spank children in fear of going to jail and the kids know this! They know that they can hang their parents if they were to be spanked or even grounded. It is a sorry nation when we can send millions of dollars to help feed and clothe.....OH and house others in far away countries but yet we have starving people here who are homeless and have no clothes to change into tomorrow! We have no right in taking care of others when we can't even help our own! No one is sending us money to help clothe and feed those in our country let alone house them! Children are growing up angry at the world.....I look two houses down in this little town and I see a home with no electricity and no running water and the kids in that house are so sweet for others but they have such anger in side of them because they have so little! Two blocks awaythere is a family living in a condemned home...plenty have called the health dept. but no one cares. We get so wrapped up in ourselves and material things that we forget about the children....those who will be in charge when we are older or retired......how are they going to take care of us when we haven't taken care of them? How are they going to pass out love to their children when they weren't given any? What comes next? Why is it so difficult to reach out to our younger generations to let them know that we care and that they are worth so much more when they have so little? I grew up in Denver......it is the only city that I have ever been in that people can be themselves and not be ashamed. No one is looked down upon......but these boys were obviously upset about something and they had good homes.......why have we gotten to the point of where owning material objects is more important than our kids or quality time with them? When I drove that school bus in the poorest area I have ever seen I saw so much heart ache with the children who would get on the bus in the dead of winter with no coats, gloves, socks......if they did wear any of those the clothes were too small. Bus drivers don't make that much money but I wanted to give something to them.......before I took that route the office told me that they were a very un-controlled group--two months after I had began I had to take a morning off for some reason and so one of the instructors drove my route....she couldn't believe the difference in them. All they needed was someone to actually care--if they were good during the week I made little baggies of candy and we took turns on who could hand them out. When Christmas came I took $50.00 and bought 40 ppairs of the little stretchy gloves and candy....my own kids helped...we decorated lunch sacks using coloring crayons and stencils and then we put their gloves in them and their candy....those 40 children wore those gloves all winter and never lost one, it was because I cared! Too many kids have been left to care for themselves so their parents can work two jobs to pay for the expensive homes and cars.....while others are locked out of their homes until their mom comes home...not from a job but where ever the wandered off to do. As a country it is all of our responsibilities to let the children know that they matter and that we do care.....God forbid if one of the kids in the house up the street were to get some type of job that concerns us as we age......can you imagine what that one child could do to us for not caring now!?!

I noticed your site and wanted to write to you to ask your help. I recently was informed of an appalling abuse that went on to a friend of mine's neice. The dentist abused her (not sexually as we have all heard the horror stories of, but physically) while she was in for oral surgery. The dentist did not appreciate her crying because she was afraid. Please visit the following site for the full story.
Justice for Jamie
We would like as many people as possible to visit this page and read the horrible story of what happened to this little girl. Please tell as many people as you can. Thank you for your kindness.

I agree wholeheartedly that it is all our responsibility to raise kids in a safe enviroment. We, however as a whole do not embrace people who are different than we are. It is not so blatant as it is latent. What about the daily treatment of people? For instance, how do individuals acknowledge a gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered individual on a daily basis? How many times have people asked a gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender person how their partner is? I bring this up because I know first hand that we are not acknowledge. I am however very fortunate for where I live. It has been fairly safe for my partner, children and myself. But this is not true for many people who are different and I mean people who are poor, people of color, people of other religious faiths other than christian, and people who have any disability. Fringe people we call them. It seems that we can look for major solutions but compassion has to be a part of that and that means accepting, and embracing differnces.

Hey I was looking for Backgrounds on your webpage when i came across your child abuse page. My parents devorcied about year ago and I went with my mom to Oregon. She meet a guy there who had been going through a painful devoirce with his X-wife for about a year and still is a year latter. He has barly even got to talk to his kids since they split up. His X-Wife had gotten low enough to accus him of beating her and the kids even though all theropists he saw out of his own will not court order but just becuase his wife thought he needed to say he is not abusive and she never mintioned abuse during the marrage even though she is a nurse and by law can lose her job if she doesnt report signs of abuse. Ever day she tells her kids how bad their dad is and corners them into hating him. She has spent the kids collage education funds on protecting them from what I think is the greatest dad I have ever seen even though he isnt my dad and I already have a dad. He is still going through hell with his X-wife and ever time he meets some one such as the councler he gets (correction Got) to see his kids with once a week he is accused of beating the children. He doesnt diserve this at all and just by meeting him you can tell he is a great nice man. Personally I think his X-wife should be sent to the theropists cause he didnt need them. Im not gonna blame anything on you but I know just by hearing the first two sentences of the story you thought he was an abuser. Well most of the time you only her the first to sentences of the story so please dont jump to conclusions about situations like this when you dont know the truth. Take time to hear both sides of the story.

Your web page intro/title inspired me...
It should never hurt to be a child...
I felt overwhelmed by the quantity of words though, as I ventured further!
If we look inside ourselves for the answers for the world we will find them,
The questions are only out there to make us look inside.
Religion holds us up, it gives us meaning, takes the sting from death
and balances the storm of living... is that what we want?
If it is, take it... That's ok
If we want more... look inside
All the answers are inside of each of us!

I have two daughters who have been sexually abused by men living in their mother's homes. I strongly believe that the government is to blame for not putting a stop to this. My youngest daughter was put back in the home where the accused man still lives after two times being taken out of the home. I have a wonderful Christian home and family where I could have raised this child. But yet the government could not see any reason to keep her out of that home. May I add, that the child told the same story without a flaw up until she was put back into one of the mother's family's homes.

First thing I want to say is this is carbon copied to a dear friend of mine, because I know your page will hit him deep in his heart, soul, and mind. Please note his web page is:
A hand full of his poetry is on this page, I also feel you might find this quite interesting.
Now, on with what I would like to say....
I have to tell you, I do know the Lord sent me to your page. I came upon your page looking for web page designs. I'm building my own web page in conjunction with making an effort to impliment a program in the local high schools, starting with the one right across the street.
My program? You ask, "Dare to Care". Phrase taken from my friend, Arthur Mauldin, who started that with his web page above, (as you have or will see).
I'm starting a web page to get it implimented on the web and to be able to come up with some good ideas on how these high schools can show they care.
In this dream, I have business sponsors. My goal, to stay away from any possible government control I can. I realize the government will still be involved, but I do feel that it is a big part of why are schools have become the way they are. Why "WE the People" are the way we are. Full of GREED. It's time to take the GREED out of America and put the CARE back in. (I can just hear Arthur now say "YES!!!")
While reading your views, I felt as if I was reading something I had written. A thought I might have put on my web page. Instead, with your permission, I would LOVE to put your link on my page and be able to express many other similar views and ideas I have.
I would now like to share the story of Arthur and me meeting. It is the reason I am where I am and he is where he is in life. Why our dreams are becoming more and more of a REALity.
First, let me tell you I am a 25-year-old, single mother of a 2-year-old boy, my pride and joy. He is a big part of why I am doing what I am doing in the schools. I don't want him to be scared, like the kids of today. It has become an epidemic and it NEEDS to stop.
Back in the Spring of 1993 I met Art. It was at a point and time in my life where it was upside down-right side up-side ways-and basically all over the place. To keep it short, he helped me to see what I already knew, but had tossed all over the place and didn't know which order they went in. He helped me to find the tools I needed to straighten my life out.
When I finally came to the point where everything clicked it was a natural high way above any other experience.
I've since grown and am still growing.
So, as it is.. this is my goal... to change the world. Not alone, but with everyone and have you to be part of that chain.
Thanks for your time and I sure hope to hear from you soon...

Want to add your thoughts? E-mail me.

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