Where to find help in GeoCities :o)

Information every homesteader should know is listed in the Yahoo! GeoCities Guidelines.
Now, how the heck do I get to my file manager?
Oh, shoot! I've lost my password!!
What's a GeoGuide?
Now, I'd like a guest book please, so visitors can let me know they've been here. =)
How come no one is signing my guest book? How do I know how many people came to my site? Oh! I know!! I'll get a counter!!
Ok, Miss Community Leader, why isn't my background (or images) showing up? Hmmm? The least you coulda done is told me about The Total Background Troubleshooter.
Can I put forms on my page? Why, sure! And if you need more help check out the Simple Forms Tutorial.
Gee, my page is looking pretty hot!! What's the best way to promote my page?
When I signed up with GeoCities, they told me I had free email. How do I access the GeoCities Email?
Now I've got all these files in my file manager and it sure would be nice to have information on GeoCities Subdirectories.
How do I figure out how to FTP files to my site? Are there any GeoCities FTP Procedures?
What about other resources for FTP questions? There are 3 here: 1. Jeff's FrontPage 97 Help Center, 2. Web Publishing Wizard Setup and Help, 3. WS_FTP Limited Edition
HELP!! I'm having problems with America Online!!
ACK!! I can't get my homepage to show up!! Where do I find the System Status of GeoCities? Maybe there's a temporary system problem?
Ewwww!!!! I just saw a page with really, really bad things on it! How do I access the Neighborhood Watch?
Ok, I have a few more questions. I'd like to access the GeoCities Help Forums or the Help Chat please.


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