A little bit about the Privacy Filter. The first and middle name has been
reduced to initials and the birth dates and other information has been removed.
Any one living under the age of 60 this filter has been applied.So what I can do is make a unfiltered web site and copy it to a CD with all the pictures
I have gathered from the family reunions ( several hundred). The pictures are in
high quality jpeg format. Email me if you are interested.
If you find that some of the information is missing or incorrect and would
like to add to the Family Tree. Please email me and I will add to the tree. Don't
get upset if the information is not added right away. I only update the web site
four times a year. wichernk@yahoo.com
I have put this web site together, with the help of so many friends and
family so the links of the past stay alive for our children and their children.
When I started this project of finding out who my grandparents were, I had no
idea where it was going to take me. I have found so many wonderful people along
the way, And I would like thank them all for their help.
K L WICHERN - Site Owner
Disclaimer: I have tried to verify all information posted, some of the information was given to me from memories of others which may or may not be accurate. If you find any information that may not be accurate PLEASE send me the new information and your resource of this information.