Thank you for visiting me here in my little place in cyber space.
Please use your refresh button for the latest updates.
I have many things to offer web graphics, tutorials
for Paint Shop Pro 6, a little about mysef, stories about my
daughters and much more. I'm constantly adding something new
to each page and site that I have made so please bookmark this site
so you don't miss anything new that I may add.

I just launched my own Domain for Web Designing!


I hope that you find something you can use or
at least something that interests you.
*NOTE*....links in Bright Gold are new pages.

Please take a minute to vote for me. :o)

I'm a TYPO QUEEN!! *L*
If you'd like to see my typo awards...Click Here

Last updated: April 18, 2000
Graphics and page created and maintained by:

Have a banner??
Send me yours and I'll put it on my Links page.
Feel free to take this one in return. :o)