Plan for trail improvements and maintenance of the
existing trail system
The Sunrise and Sunset trails are seeing enthusiastic support and increased use since the completion of the Sunrise Trail. As a result, the DCTA is taking a proactive approach towards the improvements and maintenance issues related to the existing trail system between Kasson and Mantorville.
The DCTA has drafted this plan to improve and maintain the existing trail system.
Segment the trials
Mark the Sunrise and Sunset trails in 1/10 of a mile segments. This will assist trail users by more accurately addressing their exercise concerns and requirements. These markings will also help the DCTA pinpoint areas for improvements. These markings will be added to the trail maps. Preliminary markings are completed along Sunrise Trail, numbers need to be added.
Identify areas to improve
.Take pictures of proposed areas and identify exact locations by referencing the mile markers.
List all proposed areas for improvements and items needed at each location. (Including suggestions from trail users and adjacent land owners)
Prioritize the list. Pictures have been taken along Sunrise trail and trail head. Pictures need to be taken along Sunset trail yet.
Quantify the need.
How many benches do we need?
Picnic tables?
Landscaping areas?
Flower beds?
Hedge rows, trees for screening?
Various bench styles, picnic tables, and trail marking designs to identify a design that is consistent throughout the trails system. The design should reduce maintenance concerns, increase safety, and blend in with the surroundings to make the least amount of visual impact as possible. Example, bench styles would NOT look like bus stop benches plastered with advertising. To reduce the chance of theft, benches could be mounted in ground using a post hole digger. See picture of example bench design.
Identify levels of involvement
– donations could be 1) money, 2) time, 3) land.a) Monetary donations could be used at DCTA discretion.
1) Recognized donor - Plaque denoting contributor
2) Anonymous donor – no plaque
b) Monetary donations with specifics (example, someone donates money for a bench in memory of someone).
Plaque would be added to bench, picnic table or landscaped area.
c) Adopt a trail section – more of a designated general area for improvement and maintenance, ie. Mowing, planting, weed control.
Neighborhoods, families, civic groups, churches, etc. (similar to adopt a highway program) a sign or plaque could designate the area the group is improving and maintaining.
d) Donate a corridor of land in memory of someone to be used for future trail development. Signs or plaques could identify the donated stretch of trail.
Suggested costs for Benches $200, Picnic tables $350, Landscaped area $500, (cost includes plaque).
various local civic groupsSee if they would be interested in helping and what level of involvement. Lions, Jaycees, president of chamber of commerce, schools, county, city councils, restoration society, etc.
Identify level of interest.
Get a commitment, donation.
Dripps 11/18/99, updated 12/9/99