May 1999
Sunday, May 23 rd 1999 *
2:00pm - ?
Boat Regatta & Family Picnic
Austintown Township Park - Firemans Pavilion
Boat kits can be purchased at Outdoor Recreation
Equipment, 5316 Market Street, Boardman, OH. Cost is $3.50 each.
Prizes & trophies will be awarded. Come and have some fun in the sun" with
your Pack 40 buddies & their families.
This will be the last Pack function until the Fall.
Bring your baseball gloves, bats, frisbees and outdoor games.
Hamburgers, hotdogs & beverages will be supplied by the Pack.
Each Den is asked to bring a covered dish:
TIGERS - potatoes,casseroles,pasta
WOLVES - vegetables,salads,fruits
WEBELOS (I & II) - desserts
Please RSVP By May 15th to: Eric Peterson (792.7913) or Jim Farmakis (533.4809)
We need to know how many will be attending for the purchase of food & drink.
See you in the fall!
August 1999
No Events Scheduled