More Biosketches chart AA #32 on Van Buskirks 32 - 63 6th generation back
32 Isaac Van Buskirk b October 28, 1792 at Coxsackie, N.Y. 5th of nine children of John & Eva Spoor Van Buskirk. about 1810 or 1811 Walked with his father from Coxsackie to Preble/ Tully area to visit relatives already settled here in 1816 he Married Elizabeth Conine of Coxsackie, and settled in Preble, NY. They had 9 children, 2 died in infancy, in order John(1) John (2) b 1818 of Cardiff and Tully,m 1848 Electa Sniffen;1833-1863 he m2 M Jane Thayer 1827-1897 Leonard 1; Leonard 2 1821-1904 of Preble,he m Elizabeth Crofoot 1/827-1904; William,d 1867 of Syracuse, m Ellen Erwyn ; Abraham m Fannie Newell, he died 1/3/1863 in Civil War in Tennessee at the battle or Stony Ridge; I. Darwin,of Fayetteville, m Eliza ? d age 93; the only girl Frances 1826-1915 m Calvin Haynes, of Preble, and Robert. 1833-1916 of Preble m Juliette Manchester 1837-1916. . Before long several of his own siblings and his parents also moved to Preble, he died in 1873. His home in Preble, on Dutch Street, now rt 11 just south of the junction of Tully Center Rd and Song Lake Crossing road .
33 Elizabeth Conine (or Conyn) b July 30, 1798 at Coxsackie married 1816 Isaac Van Buskirk, settled at Preble, NY before long her parents and siblings also moved to Preble. They had 9 children as listed under Isaaac. She died in Preble in 1881.
#64 - 127 7th generation back
64 John L Van Buskirk b December 2, 1762 baptized Zion Lutheran Church at Athens, NY (near Coxsackie). m 1780 Eva Spoor b Oct 17, 1762 (the two were baptized at the same service) They had 9 children. Mary 1785-1856 (m 3/1/1808 Abraham Hollenbeck settled at Tully; Laurence, 1790-1867 of Preble, Cornelius b1788 d after 1866,of Preble/ LaFayette/ Tully, and Sempronius NY;, Isaac (see #32 above), Abram b1795 went to Michigan, Leah 1797-1855 m Jacob Outt of Preble, Susan 1802-1889 m1 Elam White, 2nd John Van Denburg, also lived in Preble, Hannah , m Abram Craig, and John 1805-1890 who settled in De Ruyter. John and Eva also moved to Preble. he died in 1848. John , Eva Cornelius, and his wife Lana(Huntington) are buried in the old cemetery just off rt 11 oin Currie Rd. only Lana’s stone still shows. Most of the others are in the main Preble Cemetery off 281.
65 Eva Spoor b October 30, 1762 baptized Dec 2 1762 at Athens NY Zion Lutheran Church ass noted above, her future husband John L Van Buskirk was also baptized at the same service. She moved to Preble, along with the rest of her family, died 1844. Her Parents also moved up. Her Sister Annetje 1766-1824 married John Collier, and settled in Preble in 1806, and were the object of the visit by Isaac and John cited above. Many other Coxsackie / Athens / Catskilll area families migrated to Preble at that time, and all were related in some way!!!
66 Leonard Conine (Conyn) b Nov 23, 1771 at Coxsackie, m 1797 Catherine Van Denburg, had six children, who settled near Preble, NY. Elizabeth (Mrs Isaac Van Buskirk;) Leonard 1801-1872 m Statyre Weaver; 12 children ; Hannah (Mrs Nathan Dresser; Agnes (Cunningham) ; William m Eliza Wickham had 4 children; and Robert m Aramintha Crofoot, 7 children,. They also moved up to Preble. died 1836.
67 Catherine Van Denburg b Nov 29, 1778 m Leonard Conine 1797 settled at Preble, died 1834.
128 - 255 8th generation back
128 Laurence Benjamin Van Buskirk b July 2 ,1731 at Hackinsack, NJ m 4/25/1760 Maria Klauw bp 3/20/ 1738 at Athens. the same Lutrheran Pastor served the Hackinsack and Athens churches, his record lists both baptisms, and their marriage in 1760 (perhaps Laurence was a pastors helper, and traveled up and down the Hudson River with him.
They had atleast six children, the oldest recorded John L b 1762. Quite possibly they had a son Benjamin in 1760 or 61, who was disowned for Tory leanings, had to go to Canada and later settles at Tully, NY his older daughter Lana married a Gerritt Van Hoesen of Preble. NY a younger daughter Maria in 1798 was baptized with Laurence and Maria as "remote gossips" distant realatives. They still could have been grandparents, but not acknowledging the son!!.other children acknowledged: Susannah b 1765; Jacomyntje, Abraham b 1772; Marya b 1775
129 Maria Klauw b 3/20/1738 Athens NY m 4/25/60 Laurence Benjamin Van Buskirk in 1760, same church.
130 Cornelius Spoor b 1735 bp June 17,1737 at Catskill, NY m 1762 Leah Van Hoesen b 1742
131 Leah Van Hoesen b 8/1/1742 m 6 May 1762 Cornelius Spoor b 1735
132 Leendert Conyn b 1730 Cocksackie m Annetje Bogardus. bc 1733
133 Annetje Bogardus b 10/16/1733 m Leendert Conyn b 1730
134 Willen Van Denburg This is still a problem atleast 3 different William, Wilhelm, Willens lived in or around Coxsackie b 1752, 1756, 1759 two are traced to Richard Janse VDB, the third still untraced is probably this one still unknown. At the baptism of Elizabreth Conine VB 1798, William and Elizabeth were witnesses, as grandparents.
135 Elizabeth Vosburg William and Elizabeth did witness the grand daughter Eliabeth’s baptism, 1798 as grand parents
on to the ninth generation back from C J V B 256 - 511
256 Benjamin L Van Buskirk b 1705 m 1725 Susannah Desmarest b Aug 18, 1703 children Benjamin b1726 and Samuel, b 3/21/1729, Laurens B. b1731 m Maria Klauw , Maria b 1734 m David Desmarest. Jacomyntje, b 1739 m William Van Loon; Jannetje b 1738 . believed to have lived just north of Upper Saddle River, NJ (where his parents settled) in Rockland Co NY.
257 Susannah Desmarest b Apr 18, 1703 m 1725 Laurence Benjamin Van Buskirk.
258 Johannes Klauw b Feb 1, 1711, m Sept 29, 1733 Maria Hallenbeck b Decemberv2, 1713 11 children listed.
259 Maria Hallenbeck b December 2 , 1713 m Sept 29, 1733 Johannes Klauw b Feb 1, 1711 both Klauw and Hallenbecks intermarried and give many overlapping lines to this familt tree.
260 Johannes Spoor b July 13, 1701, d Feb 15, 1761 age 60 m Eva Sibertse b 1702 d Sept 7, 1788 at 84 6 children.
261 Eva Sibertse b 1702 d 1788 m Johannes Spoor b 1701 d 1761 nothing more known of her line
262 Casper Van Hoesen b Feb 5/ 1721 m 9/28/1741 Marytje Van Loon b 1722
263 Marytje Van Loon b 1722 m 1741 Casper Van Hoesen b 1721
264 Philip Conyn b March 14, 1694 m 1723 Tryntje (Catherine) Hoogeboom b Sept 13, 1699 5 or more children
265 Tryntje (Cathryn) Hoogeboom b Sept 13, 1699
266 Ephraim Bogardus b 1687 m Agnietje?
267 Agnietje ? m Ephraim Bogardus, b 1687
268 - 273 - Van Denburgh - Vosburgh all have some data but direct lines are not proven.
On to the tenth generation 512 - 1023
512 Laurens Lourens Van Buskirk 1662 - 1722 m 1692 Hendrickje Van Derlinde 1664- 1724 9 children family is major focus of this research. His brother Andries married Jannetje Van Derlinde, sister of Hendrickje. settled at Upper Saddle River, NJ donated land for church established there.
513 Hendrickje Van Derlinde 1664- 1724 m Laurens L Van Buskirk
514 Samuel Desmarest b August 5, 1656, d 1728 m Maria DeRuine b Jan 1, 1662 11 children
515Maria De Ruine b Jan 1, 1662 m Samuel Desmarest 1656-1728
516 Jurrain Klauw b 1680 m 1699 Maria Janse Hallenbeck 8 children several overlap lines
517 Marytje Hallenbeck bc 1685 m 1699 Jurrian Klauw b 1680 her brother is Caspar Hallenbeck 518
518 Caspar Hallenbeck d 1756 m Magdalena Calyer (Collier) bp 1687 they have 6 children dau Maria m Johannes Klaw her first cousin!
519 Magdalena Collier(Calyer) bp July 17, 1687 m Casper Janse Hallenbeck
520 Johannes Spoor married 1700 Mary Singer, born in Englaad
521 Mary Singer, b in England m 1700 Johannes Spoor
522-523 (unknown family of Eva Sibertse)
524 Jan Jacobse Van Hoesen (twin) b Feb 12, 1696 at Claverack, bp Albany m 1714 Rachel Hallenbeck
525 Rachel Hallenbeck m 1714 Jan Jacobse Van Hoesen (she is sister to both Marytje and Casper Hallenbeck #517 and 518 this document
526 Nicholas Van Loon bp Oct 14, 1694 m Nov 10, 1721 Rachael Klauw bp June 17, 1703
527 Rachel Klauw bp June 17, 1703 m 1729 Nicholas Van Loon b 1694 daughter of Jurrian and sister of Johannes Klauw sbove.
528 Philip L Conyn m 1682 Wyntje Dirkse Van Vechten b Jan 17, 1662 9 children Leendert m Jannetje Van Alen (dau Wyntje m A Van Alstyne and Philip m Catherine Hoogeboom.
529 Wyntje Dirckse Van Vechten b Jan 17, 1662 m 1682 Philip Conyn her sister Fytje m William Janse Hallenbeck # )
530 Peter Maase Hoogeboom 1656-1758 m Jan 26, 1698 Jannetje Mulder
531 Jannetje Mulder m 1698 Peter Maase Hoogeboom
532 Peter Bogardus d 1717 m Wyntje Cornelia Bosch d Jan 28, 1712
533 Wyntje Cornelia Bosch d Jan 28, 1712 m Peter Bogardus d 1717
534 543 reserved for VanDenburgh, Vosburgh and their inlaws.
on to the 11th generation back 1024 - 2047
1024 Lourens Andriessen young man from Holstein province, Denmark arrived in New Amsterdam in 1654 and later acquired the surname VAN BUSKIRK meaning near or from "the little church" or "church in the woods" which church is still not known--if in the New York City area, or back in Holstein. Obviously his father was ANDRIES ??? but that is the limit of our research on this line. in 1658 he married Jannetje Jans, widow of Christian Barentsen (Van Hoorn) she had 3 sons by Van H oorn, and 4 more sons called Van Buskirk. Andries, b 1659, m Jannetje Van Derlinde, had 7 children; Laurens, b 1662 m Hendrickje Van Derlinde had 9 children; Peter b 1666 m Tryntje Hans Harman Van Barkeloo, had 8 children ; and Thomas b 1669.m 1 Margaret Brickers, had 9 children, then he married 1720 Volkertje Coll ier and had 6 more. As far as we know all Van Buskirks descend from these 4 sons, and are the subject of this genealogy and several other major efforts. Especially the 2 volume set by Mrs Irene E Shoemaker of Anderson, IND published by her family after her death. While it covers 2000 pages, it still is incomplete, quite a few untraced branches of the family remain to be placed. The majority of her work is with descendants of Andries and Thomas. our branch is from Laurence, which is partially covered, and Peters line is only briefly covered. this is the beginning for our purposes considered family AAAA. Lourens first lived in lower Manhattan, later bought land in New Jersey on Constables Hook now part of Jersey City. Later in Hackinsack, and Upper Saddle River areas.. he died in 1694.
1025 Jannetje Jans b in Holland m1 Christian Barentsen of the Hoorn, Holland thus the name Van Hoorn. they came from Holland to the Dutch Settlement in Delaware first, had 3 sons Cornelius, Barent, Johannes, then her husband died in September 1658 she moved to the New York colony and in december married Laurens Andriessen, and had the 4 sons surnamed Van Buskirk. Both Laurens and Jannetje died in 1694. she had money from her first husband which went intothe land purchases in New Jersey. Lourens was Lutheran, she had been Dutch Reformed; some of the data comes fom each churches records listed. Apparently as long as the Dutch ran the colony everybody had to be Dutch Reformed. Only after the British took over were they free to be known as Lutherans by choice.
1026 Joost Van Derlinde came from Guilderland on the ship De Vergilde otter with Capt Cornelius Van DerBeets 26 April 1660 apparently he was bornv at Wageningen with wiife and 2 children 6 and 3 years old. Apparently his father was a Huybert, His sons were Jan a d Roelf. his wife was Fytje Van Gelder dau of Roelfs Her mother may have been Machelt; his mother may have been Jannetje , based on his chidrens names. son Jan probably the 6 year old b 1654 d before 1682, married Neeltje DirckseVan Vechten; Roeloff probably b 1657 m 1 Susannah Hendrickse; m2 Rachel Cresson who had earlier married David Desmarest and Jan Durie; Machelt bp 19 Jan 1661 married Albert Zabriske 17 Dec 1676 at Bergen, NJ -the Zabriske genealogy is a source for this data-- Jannetje b 1663 m Andries L Van Buskirk; Hendrikje b 24 July 1667 m Lourens Lourens Van Buskirk
1027 Fytje Roelfs Van Gelder em with husband Joost Van Derlinde 1660.
1028 David Desmarest b 1620 Beauchamp France, em 7/ 24/1643 d1693 m 1643 at Picardy France Marie Sohier
1029 Marie Sohier m David Desmarest in Picardy, France 1643
1030 Simon bc 1615 De Ruine m Magdalena Van Der Straaten
1031 Magdalina Van Der Straaten m Simon De Ruine
1032 Franz Peterse Klauw b 1623 em 1654 arr Beverwick (Albany) with wife #Elsje he m2 Jannetje widow of Claes Benj. Van Shaik
1033 Elsje wife of Franz Peterse Klauw em 1654 d after 1684
1034 Jan Casparse Hallenbeck bc 1654 m Rachel Willempe Hoffmeyer large family, atleast 6 direct lines impact this genealogy, or more Caspar, Marytje twice, Rachel (van Hoesen) and William Hallenbeck in the Van Deusen side of the family book H:. His sister Catherine (Van Hoesen) appears in the Huyck-and Slingerland section of book C Van Alen
1035 Rachel Willempe Hoffmeyer b 1656 same note as above atleast 6 direct lines of overlap.
1036 Jan Casaparse Hallenbeck b 1654 same as 1034
1037 Rachel Willempe Hoffmeyer b 1656 same as 1035
1038 Michael Collier bp 6/5/1650 m1 Englitje Dirkse Hendricsen mother of Magdalena
m2 1689 Fytje Van Hoesen mother Volkertje 2nd wife of Thomas L Van Buskirk
1039 Englitje Dirkse Hendricksen m Michael Collier
1040 Jan Wybes Van Harlingen, alias Spoor d 1723 over 80 years old from Harlingen on the coast of Friesland in Holland m Anna Maria Hanse
1041 AnnaMarria Hanse d 1714 m Jan Wybesse Spoor
1042 - 1047 Singer, Sibertse, and inlaws
1048 Jacob Jansen Van Hoesen b 1665 m 1692 Judith Klauw sister of Jurrian dau of Franz Peters Klauw
1049 Judith Klauw b 1675 m Jacob Janse Van Hoesen
1050 Jan Casparse Hallenbeck same as 1034
1051 Rachel Willempe Hoffmeyer same as 1035
1052 Jan Van Loon em 1686 to Loonenburgh (now Athens) m Maria Albertse Rykman
a catholic turned protestant, donated land for Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg (Athens)
1053 Maria Albertse Rykman m Jan Van Loon
1054 Jurrian Klauw b 1680 m 1699 same as 516
1055 Marytje Hallenbeck same as 517
1056 Leendert Conyn b 1626 d 1704 arr1655 Beverwick m Agnietje Casparse
1057 Agnietje Casparse m Leendert Conyn
1058 Dirk Teunisse Van Vechten b 1634 m Jannetje Vreeland
1059 Janetje Vreeland m Dirk Teunisse Van Vechten
1060 Bartholomew Hoogeboom d 1712 arrived in 1657, "called to accounts by the high sheriff for playing golf on a public day of prayer March 24, 1657.
1061 Catryntje ??? d 1707
1062 Cornelise Stephense Mulder (Muller) (Miller) arr 1661 on the good ship Hoope m Hilletje Lockermanse
1063 Hilletje Lockermanse m Cornelis Stephense Mulder
1064 Domine Evardus Bogardus (Edward de Bogart) latinized, he was minister of Dutch Reformed Church in the colony New Netherlands now Wall Strreet, New York City m 1638 Annetje Webber Jans he d 1647
1065 Annetje Webber b 1605 d 1663 m1 1628 Roeloff Jans was famous wealthy widow Annetke Jans whose heirs fought in courts over 300 years to recover "their inheritance" from the city of New York she m2 Evardus Bogardus in 1638; m3 William Teller.
1066 1087 Van Denburgh Vosburgh area
now tocontinue with 12th generartion back 2048 - 4095
2048 Andries father of Lourens Andriessen of Holstein Denmark
2049 Mrs Andries
2050 Jan Father of Jannetje Jans
2051 Mother of Jannetje Jans
2052 Huybert father of Joost Van derLijnde
2053 Machelt mother of Joost Van Derlonde
2054 Roelfs Van Gelder m Jannetje?
2055 Jannetje m Roelfs Van Gelder
2056 Jean Desmarest of Picardy France
2057 Marguerite De Herville
2058 Francois Sohier from Nieppe in Hainault
2059 Margaretta (Mrs Sohier)
2064 Peter Klauw
2065 - 2067
2068 Casper Jacobse Hallenbeck b 1623 from Shleswig Holstein , probably the island of Holebeck Denmark,d 1703 with wife Maria (another source says wife Lysbeth) these two also repeat often in this family tree.
2069 Maria wife of Caspar Jacobse Hallenbeck. also many repeats in tis family tree
2070 William Hoffmeyer b 1636 em by way of Brazil many repeats overlap lines
2071 Gertruy wife of WilliamHoffmeyer, ahe m 2 Jacob Wessels many repeats
2072 repeat Caspar Hallenbeck
2073 repeat Maria
2074 repeat William Hoffmeyer
2075 repeat Gertruy
2076 Jochem Collier em 1640 from France d 1658 with wife Magdalena Waele
2077 Magdalena Waele em with husband Jochem Collier she m 2 Gysbert Vershur
2078 Dirck Hendricksen
2079 (Mrs Dirk Hendricksen)
2080 Wybes (Van Harlingen) alias Spoor
2082 Hans father of Anna Maria Hans (Mrs Spoor)
2084- 2095
2096 Jan Franz Van Hoesen em 1640 from Husum, in Shleswig - Holstein province of Denmark d 1667 m Volkertje Jurrainse huge family of descendants, several overlap lines to compiler,repeats in his chart.
2097 Volkertje Jurrainse
2098 Franz Pieterse Klauw
2099 Elsje wife of Franz Peterse Klauw
2100 Jan Casparse Hallenbeck again see 1034
2102 Rachel Willempe Hoffmeyer repeat again 1035
2104 Van Loon
2106 Albert Rykman
2108 Frans Peterse Klauw
2109 Elsje
2110 Jan Casparse Hallenbeck same 1034
2111 Rachel Willempe same 1035
2112 Philip Conyn
2114 Caspar?
2116 Teunis Van Vechten 1612 -1710
2118 Michael Jans Vreeland b1610 em 1638 from Zeeland m Fytje (Sophia) Hartmann
2119 Fytje (Sophie ) Hartmann m Michael Jansen Vreeland
2120 Hoogeboom
2121 - 2123
2124 Stephen Mulder
2126 Peter Janse Lockermanse
2127 Maria Donkerson daughter of Thomas Dongan The First Governor of New York 1683 1688, Earl of Limerick 1698
2128 -
2130 Wolfert Webber father of Anneke Webber Jans Bogardus Teller
2131 Carolyn Jonas mother of Anneke Webber Jans Bogardus Teller
2132 - 2175
on to next 13th generation only a few located.
4192 Franz father of Jan Franz (Van Hoesen)
4194 Jurrain father of Volkertje Jurrainse Mrs Van Hoesen
4196 Peter Klauw
4200 Jacob father of Casper Jacobse Hallenbreck
4236 Jan Vreeland
4252 Jan father of Peter Janse Lockermanse
4254 Thomas Dongan b 1634 d 1715 from Ireland. Appointed governer of New York Colony 1683-1688 went back to Ireland as Earl of Limerick 1698 "supposed to have" 4 daughters married in NY incliuding Maria Lockermanse
competition some think there was a scotchman James Duncan in the colonies who was father to the Donkerson daughters. still to be proved.
to 4351
end AAAA through APPP
Van Buskirk(AAA); Demarest(ABA) Klauw(ACA)Hallenbeck (ACI,ADA) Spoor AEA Van Hoesen(AFA Van Loon(AFI) Conine(AIA) Van Denburgh (AJA)