WHAT IS A BIOSKETCH? A SERIES OF BIOGRAHICAL SKETCHES Of the members of this family tree in the same order given in the KEY TO THIS WEB PAGE" starting with #1 Charles J. additional biosketches may be added, however the earlier the member lived the less information available, frequently the same as already given in the rest of this website.
1 Charles J Van Buskirk b 6/29/1983 resides at Tully N.Y, Tully Central High School graduate class of 2002; 3d generation in Tully Graduated Tompkinms Cortland Communuty College at Dryden, N.Y.May 19,2005. has own web page on yahoo.
2 John C Van Buskirk b 4/23/1936 resides at Tully, NYgraduated Tully Central School 1954 graduated Roberts Wesleyan College 1958 BA degree, math science majors, served in US Army 1959-61 mostly at Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland , employed: Marine Midland Bank 1961 = 1980 first in Trust Department, as security clerk ,later income tax clerk , then later in Audit Dept as Trust Auditor American Baptist Churches of New York State 1980 - 1987 accountant -bookkeeper, H & H Management Corp 1989 - 1994 PMI Pension Management Inc 1994-95, both as Pension administration clerk
chief hobby GENEALOGY also local history. active member Central New York Genealogical Society 1964 - 1980 Editor Cousin Huntin’ 1965 - 1972 Tully Centennial Committee 1974-75 Tully Area Historical Society organizational committee 1978 ,treasurer 1978-82, president 1982-85, treasurer 1985-88, trustee 1987-95.married 9/19/1970 SHARON R STECH of Syracuse, N.Y.
son Charles b 6/29/83
other highlights; travel Germany 1973; 1980
3 Sharon R Stech b 2/20/1945, Syracuse, NY graduated St Josephs parochial school and Blodgett High School 1963 ,employed Syracuse Colorpress; Marine Midland Bank 1964 - 1973
married 9/19/70 John C Van Buskirk moved to Tully, NY
son Charles b6/29/83served as Treasurer Tully Area Historical Society 1982-85
Employed 1988 Ames Dept Stores ,Employed 1989 ---- First National Bank of Cortland (Tully Office)
other highlights travel, Germany 1967, 1973; 1980 to her fathers hometown and visit family still there..Died May 4, 1997 of cancer
4 Leon Van Buskirk of Tully, N.Y. b May 31, 1897 in Tully. graduated Tully High School 1916
attended NYS College of Frestry at Syracuse University 1916-17 drafted US Army 1917-1918 stationed Ithaca, NY, Dallas Texas, Chanute Field, Illinois flight schoolafter World War I ended, resumed civilian life worked in Akron, Ohio tire factories,later in Syracuse at Franklin Motor Car co.
became self employed carpenter and builder in Tully area. 1930s - 1960s
partners with Frank Hoag, Frank Walberger, and occasionally others.married July 13, 1935 Margaret B Dayton of Auburn, NY. son John C (Jack) b 4/23/36
active Tully Masonic Lodge; volunteer fireman, American Legion, retired age 62 Vacationed in Florida located at Avon Park 1964 ,suffered from Emphysemia from 1960 on. which he handled better in the Florida sunshine for 15 years ,He died at Avon Park December 17, 1976; buried at Tully, NY
5 Margaret Barnes Dayton b. October 31, 1902 at Griffin,Georgia,family moved to Auburn, N.Y. 1903 graduated Auburn High School 1920 ;graduated Elmira College 1924 School Teacher at Liberty NY and Freeport, NY 1924 - 1935
married July 13, 1935 Leon Van Buskirk and moved to Tully, N.Y. son John C (Jack) b 4/23/36 ,
active Eastern Stars; pta, firemans auxilliary. Tully Free Library. and many other local project s and committees, inspector of elections; always a learner, painting, macramé, nature lover; removed to Florida with her husband 1962 pemanently after 1964 at Avon Park (until 1995) when she became ill and returned to Tully March 1995 died September 15, 1996.
6 Frank X Stech b November 16, 1901 Lautenbach Baden Germany Black Forest Area, graduated Lautenbach school. worked at Koehler plant in Oberkirch.
1927 came to America, settled in Syracuse. worked in Syracuse, then Buffalo, then again,in Syracuse at Franklin Motor Car Co. Became US citizen. later at Carrier Corp. (1937-1967)
married July 27 1940 Helen E Rouse of Syracuse. dau Sharon b 2/20/45 son Frank 5/16/47
With his daughter Sharon he visited his family in Germany in 1967 and again in 1973 with Sharon and,
her husband John. and had planned to go again in 1980 but died suddenly March 14,1979..
he often visited his daughter in Tully, and his son Frank G in Pompey, NY and his wife Gerene Sakran
and grand chiildren Lisa Helen, Melanie Catherine, and Frank Michael.
7 Helen E Rouse b January 4, 1908 in Auburn, NY ;lived in Syracuse, cared for her aging father Eugene Rouse until his death in 1940;;married July 271940 Frank X Stech. dau Sharon b 2/20/45; son Fank 5/16/47;worked at Syracuse Color Press.died suddenly December 24, 1964
8 CHARLEY VAN BUSKIRK. b March 5, 1860 at Cardiff, N.Y.; his mother died when he was only 3; he lived with aunts and uncles until his dad remarried.
he married September 1, 1880 Phoebe Van Allen of Cedarvale, N.Y.
worked for Tully Farms , part of the Solvay Process Co, part of the milking crew.
his daughter Leah b 1882, and son George b 1886, were born while he still lived near Cardiff.
by 1892 the family moved into the Village of Tully. apparently he rented a house a year at a time ,because they moved quite often. They lived in the house on State street -now home of Tully Library in 1896 when step mother M Jane Thayer died. (The house belonged to her brother) he moved across the street to one of the several old houses, His youngest son Leon was born there in 1897.( that house was moved up the hill on Warren Street, now owned by Chorleys, the new house built on the old site now belongs to Ed Wortley.) He worked for a while for the undertaker Will Earle as driver of the team of horses pulling the hearse.He also worked on farms, including the "Maggie Smith place" now the Burgett farm on rt 281.
in 1908 they bought a farm on north road. in 1926 he retired from farming, and moved into the village again at the 53 Warren St locstion, next door to his son George who built what is now 55 Warren St the year before. Charley took the job of street commissioner for the village which he kept over 20 years until ill health at the age of 86 made him quit. In that job he cleaned catch basins, put in concrete side walks, and tended to the fire house, they had a small stove going all winter so the firetruck would be ready to go at all times.
Phoebe died in January 1940. (they celebrated 59 years together) His son Leon’s family moved into the 53 Warren Street home the same year, and remained their together untril his death August 19, 1952 at age 92..His active memory was one reason his grandson got into genealogy. His memory is the first and only sorce for someof it. His sister Elizabeth (Libby) Cook outlived him almost a year (1857-1953) and together filled in most of the details on the generations they knew best.
9 Phoebe Van Allen b October 1861, died January 1940. born at Marcellus, lived at Cedarvale, town of Onondaga. Married September 1 1880 to Charley Van Buskirk of Cardiff. died January 1940 in Tully.
she was 8th in a family of ten girls and 3 boys.. I really only had a chance to know her sister Mary(Bailey) (1866-1966) who missed her 100th birthday by a month. She filled in a lot of the Van Allen Family data..
10 John Charles Dayton b October 29, 1861 Oldwick, NJ, they moved Brooklyn, NY 1869
his mother died 1877 after a long illness, during that period he and his brothers lived with his aunt and uncle Byron and Mattie Thornton. He married Dora Pauline Barnes , they had two daughters (May and Julia) then
Dora died in child birth.. Her sister Emma Florence helped care for the babies, and in 1891 married JC Dayton
They had 4 sons and two more daughters. --Charles William Harry Edith , then Margaret was the youngest girl, A Warren the youngest of all. JC Dayton worked in Atlanta and Griffin Georgia 1892 - 1902 then moved to Auburn, NY. He built roads, then became commissioner of highways for 30 years. he died Feb 28, 1939 Emma died March 1, 1939 at Auburn NY. A double funeral was held at the old First Presbyterian Church.
11 Emma Florence Barnes b3/16/1865 Brooklyn, NY died March 1 1939 Auburn, NY she followed her husbands many moves. indicated above. Married 1891 . see John C Dayton sketch for details. their 8 children all had interesting lives.
12 Wilhelm Stech b 25 October 1873 of Haslach moved about 10 miles to Lauternbach in Germany, married Maria Anna Lehman in 1901and had a family of one boy, Frank X, and 5 girls Anna, Theresa, Elizabeth, Frances, and Rosa.. Wilhelm died in 1943. It was these sisters and their children who entertained the American uncle and cousins in 1967,1973, and 1980.
13 Maria Anna Lehman b 27 July 1880 of Lautenbach Germany married Wilhelm Stech in1901. she died in May 1964..
14 Eugene Rouse b January 31,1869 near New Berlin, NY actually town of Pittsfield in Otsego Co, NY.
the 1870 census shows him age 2 with the family of Hiram and Artemissa Rouse, and brothers Daniel age 2//12hs, Albert 4. We know he was in Auburn, N.Y when his daughter Helen was born. probably lived in Chittenango where his wife Frederika Stucker lived. He lived in Syacuse from about 1912 until his death in June 1,1940,
15 Frederika Stucker b May 20, 1868 in Germany came with her family to Chittenango. NY in the 1870s .
she had several brothers and sisters, one brother William founded the Ham that am Ham restaurant in that village, She had a son John Stucker, before she Married Eugene Rouse about 1908. She died in Syracuse July 24,1932.
next genertion back #16 to 31
16 John Van Buskirk b1818 at Preble, NY d 1906. in Tully, NY. most of his life he lived at Cardiff, NY
he was in the horse trading business. He married in 1848 Electa Sniffen of Cardiff, they had 5 children. One died at 3, 2 lived over 80 years 2 over 90.years.She was married at 15, died at 30 in 1863. John remarried 1866 to M. Jane Thayer.,she died 1896 in Tully. The family: George b1848 d 1936. Frank b 1852 d 1932; Charlie 1 1856 d 1859, Elizabeth 1857- 1953, and Charley 2 b1860 d 1952. Frank married Amy (Em) Damon and had a large family, George married Linda Short, lived at McGraw NY. no children. Elizabeth married Harry Cook, one daughter Carrie married Harry Reed.. He died at his sons(Charley) Tuly home in 1906. buried at Cardiff, NY.
17 Electa Sniffen of Cardiff, NY b 1833. married 1848 died 1863 married John Van Buskirk. 5 children as noted in his bio-sketch. She had several sisters and a brother who looked after her young family. Charley , for example remembered his aunt Maria wife of Will Evans of Syracuse, who later served as Sheriff of Onondaga County.
18 Abraham Van Allen b 1810 Kinderhook married 1846 to Lovina Allen at Cocksackie, died 1877 at Cedarvale, town of Onondaga, NY had a family of 10 girls and 3 boys.most settled in Onondaga County NY.
19 Lovina Allen b 1823 at Hudson, N.Y. married 1845 Abraham Van Allen had 13 children, died 1917 at Tully, N.Y. several older Tully residents remembered her sitting in a rocking chair on the porch smoking a corncob pipe probably at her grand daughter Leah’s home in Tully Center. her biirth certificate shows her father was William Allen, her mother Phoebe Bartow. Her daughter Mary (Bailey) 1866- 1966) remembers tales of her childhood in Dutchess Co NY. nothing more has been learned of her background.
20 Charles Henry Dayton b July 21, 1831 Basking Ridge, New Jersey.
on June 19, 1860 he married Mary Ellen Thornton at Oldwick, NJ he was a dentist, a farmer, a trader,
after moving to Brooklyn, NY in 1869 took over a livery stable and handled horses. his wife died in 1878. they had three sons, plus a girl who died in infancy. John Charles b 1861, William Lewis b 1864, and Henry Thornton( Harry) b 1869. The younger two became lawyers, William in Denver, Colorado, Harry was for a while the district attorney in Auburn, NY, J Charles, as he was usually called, remained with his father in the livery business, then moved to Atlanta to help his cousin run a bank. After the bank failed, he farmed for a while, then accepted his brothers invitration to move to Auburn, NY, Charles H moved with his son to Georgia and died there October 26, 1899. He and his wife are buried at Peapack, NJ.
21 Mary Ellen Thornton b Aug 18, 1834 in Troy, NY d June 22, 1878 Peapack, NJ her father was a surveyor and happened to be at Rochester in 1830 when his son was born, and in Troy whin his daughter was born. the family was based in Bucks Co PA and nearby areas in New Jersey. Her mothers Chapman lines are part of William Penns party when he first settled in Pennsylvania. it also has the royal connections.
22 Aaron Brown Barnes b Dec 26. 1825, married Oct 1, 1845 to Lovina Van Deusen . He was born at West Stockbridge, Mass; she at Copake, NY which are both close to the state line. He died at Clyde, NJ October 19,1891 . They lived in Brooklyn NY. and had 11 children. seven boys, 4 girls. Dora Pauline b June 29, 1858 married John Charles Dayton in 1885 and died November 20, 1889 from compications at the birth of her second daughter Julia (the elder daughter Mary (May). Emma Florence Barnes b March 16, 1865 assisted in the care of her sisters’ babies, and then Married JC Dayton January 14, 1891. They had six more Dayton children..
23 Lovina Van Deusen. b 12/15/1826 Copake, NY m 10/1/1845 Aaron Brown Barnes.
mother of 11 Barnes offspring, died Oct 8, 1888 Arnold, Neb. (TB hospital)
buried with husband at Cypress Hills Cemetery Brooklyn, NY. according to family tradition the house they owned was torn down and is now under the foundation for the Williamsburgh Bridge, Brooklyn side.
24 Benedict Stech of Haslach, Baden Germany died before 1901
several known children. One daughter became a nun, was in San Francisco in 1906 when earthquake hit, presumed to have died then. Two others, brother and sister lived in Brewster, NY in 1929 when nephew Franz located them. The aunt had a son, the home they had was owned by the uncle. They were not talking to each other. Son Wilhelm back in Germany moved to Lautenbach had family we have been following. Frank thought there were others in this generation, but did not know any more.
25 Karolina Wilhelm also d before 1901 at Haslach bei Oberkirch Baden, Germany
26 Konrad Lehman of Lautenbach Baden Germany m Franziska Voght dau Maria Anna b 27 July 1880
other Lehman descendants still live in Lautenbach.
27 Franziska Voght m Konrad Lehman Lautenbach Baden Germany
28 Hiram Rouse bc 1840 near New Berlin or Pittsfield, NY listed 1870 census in New Berlin, with wife Artemissa, sons Albert 4, Eugene, 2, and Daniel 2/12ths (meaning 2 months old the day of the census.)
29 (Artemissa) Mrs Hiram Rouse bc 1849 (age 21 in 1870 census) no family name found for her.
30 Charles Stucker b 1842 in Germany came to America to Chittenango about 1870, with wife Mary Schramm. died suddenly at age 83 Feb 3, 1922 in Rochester,NY atleast 7 children: Frederika ( Mrs Eugene Rouse), of Syracuse, Mrs Fritz Norman,of Minoa, Mrs G A Craytor, of Pierce South Dakota.amd Mrs Lewis Crouch of Chittenango plus sons John and Charles Stucker of Rochester, apparently son William died before 1922, his son William and grandson Pete ran the famous restaurant in Chittenango "The Ham that am Ham" well into the 1990’s. The above survivors from an obituary in the Madison Co Times of Feb 3, 1922.
31 Mary Schramm b 1845 wife of Charles Stucker died December 30, 1910 . age 66 died at her home in Chittenango Station ." last Friday. per obituary Madison County Times January 5, 1911".. Mrs Stucker was an estimable woman of sturdy german stock, was well known and highly respected of her many friends. The people who knew her mourn their loss sincerely.
end first section of biosketches Chart numbers 1 to 31 5 generations.
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