Edward De Bogart became a minister and latinized his name to  DOMINE EDVARDUS BOGARDUS
        Pastor at Manhattan 1635-1647 when he died  in shipwreck pn way to Europe.  Married 1638  ANNETJE
        JANS  widow of Roelf Jans.    She has been subject of much discussion.  I am not prepared to take sides
        on her pedigree, my interest is their son

        BOGARDUS, Peter  1645-1703
            m Wyntje Cornelia BOSCH

            BOGARDUS, Ephraim  b1687 son of Peter and Wyntje
               m Anetje DE GARMO

                BOGARDUS, Annatje b1733 daughter of Ephraim and Wyntje
                    m Leendert CONYN b1732

                    CONINE  LEONARD, son of Leendert and Annatje
                         m  Catherine VAN DENBURGH

                        CONINE, Elizabeth, daughter of Leonard and Catherine
                             m  Isaac VAN BUSKIRK

(some day I may be able to add more here but for now this is all on this  line)

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