Gwyneth Horobin's Family Tree

These are English surnames and the explanations are from
the Oxford book called A Dictionary of English Surnames.


Horrabin, Horabin, Horobin: Henrie Horerobyn 1596 DWills1; William Horabin 1783 ib. 'Grey Rabin or Robin', OE2 har and a pet-name of Robert. cf. Jolyrobin 1332 SRCu3; Agnes Greyadam 1297 MinAcctCo4.

Penney, Pennie, Penny, Penning, Pennings: Gilebertus filius Pening 1206 P (L5), probably identical with Gilebertus Penning 1204 P (L); Ralph Penig 1191 P (Hu6); Ailnoth Peni 1204 Cur (Sr7); William, Ralph Pening 1206 AssL8, 1219 AssY9; Alan Pani 1219 AssL; William Peny 1221 AssSa; Geoffrey Pennyng' 1305 Clerkenwill (Lo). This is usually a nickname from the coin, OE2 pening, penig, ME10 peni. Pening is clearly used as a personal name in Lincolnshire in 1206 and may be a survival of a similar, unrecorded use in OE 1, thus lending support to the derivation of Peningestone, earlier Peningeston from this personal name. The surnames may also, at times, be patronymics.

Crisp, Crispe, Chrisp, Cripps, Crips, Chrippes, Scripps: Benedictus Crispus c1030 OEByn11; Henry le Cresp c1200 ELPN12; Walter Crips 1273 RH13 (Hu6); Richard Crysp 1275 SRWo14; Richard Crispe, Crips 1289 AssCh15; Joan le Crypse 1297 MinAcctCo4; Gilbert le Crispe 1311 Battle (Sx16); John Chrispe 1589 SfPR17. OE crisp, cryps, Lat crispus 'curly, curly-haired' or OFr18 crespe 'curled'. Crisp may also be a short form of Crispin. cf. Odin Crispi filius c1095 Bury (Sf19), Roger filius Crispi c1150-60 DC (L5). Scripps is for Cripps, with inorganic initial S as in STURGE.


1. DWills: Calendar of Wills and Administrations in Devon and Cornwall

2. OE: Old English

3. SRCu: Subsidy Rolls Cumberland

4. MinAcctCo: Ministers' accounts of the Earldom of Cornwall

5. L: Lincolnshire

6. Hu: Huntingdonshire

7. Sr: Surrey

8. AssL: Assize Rolls Lincolnshire

9. AssY: Assize Rolls Yorkshire

10. ME: Middle English

11. OEByn: G. Tengvik, Old English Bynames, Uppsala, 1938

12. ELPN: E. Ekwall, Early London Personal Names, Lund 1947

13. RH: Rotuli Hundredorum, 2 vols, London 1812, 1818

14. SRWo: Subsidy Rolls Worcestershire

15. AssCh: Assize Rolls Cheshire

16. Sx: Sussex

17. SfPR: Suffolk Parish Registers

18. OFr: Old French

19. Sf: Suffolk

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