OTTAWA — Leader of the McRae radical Liberal Party, Sean McRae was indicted today on four counts of massive election fraud, one count of conspiracy to commit fraud and three counts of conspiracy to commit public nudity.
With a strangely disproportionate number of votes in Sunday's election, Elections Canada was quick to question the McRae Party's victory. Since that time there has been an ongoing RCMP investigation into the alleged election fraud.
While results from that investigation are currently being kept secret, a reliable source tells the Globe and Mail that federal investigators have already unearthed a great deal of evidence implicating not only Mr. McRae but also his campaign manager Erin McRae as well as one of their cats, Fluff-ball.
Sources tell the Globe that the McRae's will be brought up on charges of tampering with election boxes, influencing regulators, intimidating voters and stuffing ballot boxes in areas which polling had clearly indicated favoured the Lajeunesse for Power campaign.
Lajeunesse spokesman Jordan Lajeunesse had this to say: "We in the Lajeunesse Party are saddened, saddened and disappointed. After running an honest, and I think decent campaign, that our opponent could stoop to such low levels.
Lajeunesse candidates, Adam and Steven could not be reached for comment. The Globe has learned that they are currently on a goodwill mission in Haiti feeding the naked and clothing the hungry.
It seems likely that the McRae Party will be forced to disband in disgrace and Sean McRae forced to step down from his newly achieved office - or face a long and grueling impeachment process.
Reaction in the streets has been overwhelmingly one of disgust and dissatisfaction with the electoral process. Ottawa pollster Mark Bowman believes that there is even the possibility of a new system of government coming out of this democratic debacle. "What we see here is a great degree of popular disenchantment with the political system as it stands today. There is room right now for a dedicated group of powerful leaders to come up the middle and seize power by force."
The Canadian military has not yet made its position on the matter known; however many of the country's top generals are known to have strong ties to the Lajeunesse Party and discreet messages of support for that party have already been seen coming out of the Department of Defence.
As the McRae Party officials go on trial and the full extent of their fraud becomes clear there may indeed be very great political changes here in Ottawa. As the opposition Lajeunesse Party rallies its forces and prepares for what some observers say could be a coup d'etat, the country can only hold its breath and await developments.