Merry Meet
Raynyng Angel
Amber Myst
    I thought long and hard about a clever, catchy or cutsey phrase to grab your attention. But the more I thought, the more apparent it became: how the past, the people and the events have all interwoven themselves to create the tapestry of our lives. I was awe struck by people who can define themselves with a single word or phrase. How do  you condense life into a single thought? The tapestry of our lives has been woven by  so many things -  my beliefs - Paganism,  - my daughter - her Cerebral Palsy, being an  Abuse Survivor and the interests we have - Photography, SETI, Science Fiction, traveling and the people - the ones who have love us and sometimes even the ones who can't, won't or don't.
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Life seems to be much like a Celtic artwork. Beautiful, Complex and Interwoven.
Still under construction but come see what I have so far
Still under construction but come see what I have so far
Cerebral Palsy
Science Fiction
Coming Soon
Coming Soon

Still under construction but come see what I have so far
Personal Glimpses:  Friends and Family
And the Two of Us
Still under construction but come see what I have so far
And Travels
Brightest Blessings