Hey there!   The object of this page is to provide links to sites that I have found that kids will enjoy and where parents can find info and ideas for their children.  I have a few to start with and will add more as I find them.  I'll also put in a few of my own ideas from time to time.  I hope you all enjoy the sites and please email me if there are sites out there that I haven't found yet.  The idea here is to provide a safe and fun place for our kids to learn and play  while using the computer.  So let's have fun!

*Just a note to parents with preteens and teenagers*

We all know the world is a scary place these days and the internet is no exception, in fact it is more difficult to shield our kids from things we don't want them to see when they are using the 'net.  For instance, while building my web page I was searching for graphics to put on my daughter's page (she's 13).   I used a search engine and put in the words ' teen graphics'.   BIG mistake!  I did not use quotations around the words and 8 out the first 10 sites that came up were porn sites.  Please, please, monitor your kids while they are on the computer and use your parental controls.  We may not always be able to control what our children see and hear but we can prevent it from happening in our own homes.


("Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?"  Sure!  Click here!)

Nick Jr.

(Blue's Clues, Little Bear, Franklin, all your preschool favorites are here!)


(The name says it all!)

(Sailor Moon Fan?  Well, then you have to check this site out!  It was created and is maintained by my daughter's best friend Jenny.  She put alot of work into this site including creating her own set of characters one of which my daughter plays, "Sailor Stardust", they are the Sailor Mystics.  Very impressive site in my opinion!)

Most teens are crazy about 'N Sync (I have to confess, I like them too).  Here's their official web site!

Party Ideas!!

Hi!  We recently had a Taz/Looney Tunes party for my son, Andrew, and I thought I'd pass along some of the ideas we used.  He turned 4 so we tried to keep the games fairly simple.   Our choice of decorations here in Iceland were limited so we had to use our imaginations.  My daughter made a couple of long chains using loops of construction paper and lot's of signs with sayings from Looney Tunes cartoons, for example "I Tawt I taw a puddy tat" .   She also made a picture of Tweety on poster board (she's the artistic one)  and cut out little beaks from orange construction paper and we played "Pin the Beak on Tweety".   We made carrot shaped bean bags out of an old orange t-shirt and some green felt for the leaves.  We filled them with actual beans. (inexpensive).  Then we covered a plastic sand bucket with black construction paper and this was "Bugs Bunny's hole"  We had a little stuffed rabbit that resembled Bugs that we sat next to it.  The kids were to throw the carrots into Bugs' hole.  We played "Pass tweety" (like hot-potato)  with a stuffed tweety bird that we already had.    We wanted to do a craft of some sort so we cut crowns out of construction paper and let the kids decorate them with stickers and washable markers.  (the kid's loved this)   I made a Taz cake using the Wilton cake pan and served it with the little individual ice cream cups.  (saved time and mess)  I was also able to order some Taz partyware online.  (I'll get you the link later)   We filled the treat bags with a small bottle of bubbles, a sheet of Taz stickers, Looney Tunes fruit snacks, small magic erase pads (also ordered online) and party blowers.  We also sent them home with a helium filled balloon.   The kids had a great time and all went well.  Hope these tips help.  Good Luck to you in all your party endeavors.

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