Poetry and Words to Live By

If you love something, set it free. 
If it comes back, it is yours forever.
If it doesn't, it never was.

The Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The Courage to change the things I can,
And the Wisdom to know the difference.


Queen Anne's Lace

Larkspur and Hollyhock,
Pink Rose and purple Stock,
Lovely smelling Mignonette,
Lilies not quite opened yet,
Phlox the favorite of the bees,
Bleeding Heart and Peonies---
Just their names are nice to say,
On a summer's day.

Queen Anne, Queen Anne, has washed her lace
(She chose a summer's day)
And hung it in a grassy place
To whiten, if it may.

Queen Anne, Queen Anne, has left it there,
And slept the dewy night;
Then waked, to find the sunshine fair,
And all the meadows white.

Queen Anne, Queen Anne, is dead and gone
(She died a summer's day),
But left her lace to whiten on
Each weed-entangled way!

---Dorothy Aldis

---Mary Leslie Newton

The Best Game The Fairies Play

The best game the fairies play,
The best game of all,
Is sliding down steeples---
(You know they're very tall).
You fly to the weathercock,
And when you hear it crow
You fold in your wings and clutch your things
And then let go!

They have a million other games---
Cloud-catching's one,
And mud-mixing after rain
Is heaps and heaps of fun;
But when you go and stay with them
Never mind the rest,
Take my advice---they're very nice,
But steeple-sliding's best!

---Rose Fyleman

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