Ron's Realm of Fantasy and Sci-Fi


Welcome to Ron's Realm.  Star Wars, X-Files, Highlander, Role-playing games......if it's in anyway related to Fantasy or Sci-Fi,  my husband loves it.   He is a staff member on Arythia, an online role-playing game.  He is an avid Star Wars fan and the highlight of his summer was the release of the Episode One The Phantom Menace.   

Ron will be helping me get this page up the way he likes it as time permits.   Arythia keeps him busy especially now that he is designing their website.   Until I add more to his page, step through the mystic portal and enter Arythia.    Who knows, maybe you would like to create a character and escape from the real world for awhile.



Main Index/ Family/ GWTW/ Holiday/ Iceland/ KidStuff/ Kitchen/ Links/ Military Spouses/ Mom's Egarden/ Poetry/ Shannon's Page/ Andrew and Matt's Playground/ Ron's Realm of Fantasy and Sci-Fi