About US
D&D Antiques was started by Donnette Anderson in Fort Pierre, SD. She had been a collector and lover of antiques her whole life and one day decided what a
better way to make a living than by doing what she loves. So D&D Antiques was started.
Donnette has attended appraisers school and guarantees all the items she sells.,
Donnette is also an advid
craftswoman. She makes "Time Out Kids", hand crotched afgahns, birdhouses, and numerous other items. She also stays busy taking care of her three "Children" who are still at home, Daisy, Droopy, and Hershey as well as
looking out for the four grown children who are out of the house.
Please feel free to contact Donnette if you have ay questions about her items that are listed on her website or that are listed on the online
auctions, such as Ebay and Amazon.
If you would like more information about her website, please e-mail Shalista at Shalista@sd.cybernex.net . |