I Think in Pictures, You Teach in Words:
The gifted spatial learner
ADHD and Giftedness
Articles on emotional impact - page down and find links on right
Gifted/LD Resources
Dual Exceptionalities
send feedback or comments to DnTnVg@aol.com
Gifted Children With Learning Disabilities
GIFTED/LD Twice Exceptional - Twice Special
Diamond in the Rough
If Gifted = Asynchronous Development, then Gifted/Special Needs = Asynchrony Squared
Gifted and Learning Disabled:
Twice Exceptional Students
Learning Disabled/Gifted
Gifted Children with Disabilities: A Closer Look
Gifted Children with Learning Disabilities:
A Review of the Issues
My Mockingbird
Resource Group for Gifted/Learning Disabled
Twice Exceptional
Underachievement and Learning Disabilities in Children Who Are Gifted
Myths of Giftedness
Communication: its impact on self-esteem and underachievement in the gifted child
Psychologist Blames Stress for Gifted Students' Misbehavior
Understanding Gifted Children’s Emotions:
Heightened Multifaceted Sensitivity
Dabrowski's Over-excitabilities
A Layman's Explanation
Emotional Sensitivity in Gifted Children
Guidelines for Handling the Dark Side of Emotional Sensitivity in Gifted Children
Learning Disabilities
Gifted and NLD
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