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You can get copies of articles by asking for a photocopy request form at your local library's reference desk. There is a per page charge for this service. You can obtain the books through inter-library loan, also by completing a request form.
Child Language Disability, Volume II , by Mogford-Bevan and Sadler. Multilingual Matters (pages of special interest: 75-98)
Developmental Disorders of Language, second edition , by Adams, Byer-Brown, and Edwards. Singular Publishing Group, 1997. ISBN:1-86156-020-6
Asperger's Syndrome, edited by Ami Klin, Fred Volkmar, and Sara Sparrow. This will be published in January 2000. ISBN:1-57230-534-7
There is a chapter on SPD written by Dr. Dorothy Bishop. Click
here for a complete description of the contents. The book can be pre-ordered at Guilford Publications.
International Journal of Language and Communications Disorder, Volume 31, issue 1, Jan-Mar 1998  ISSN:1368-2822
Study of idiom comprehension in children with semantic-pragmatic difficulties: Part I, by Kerbel and Grunwell, p.1
Above title: Part II, same authors, p.23
SPD as a distinct diagnostic entity: Logical considerations and directions for future research, by Boucher, p.71
The semantic-pragmatic deficit disorder: classification issues, by Rapin and Allen, p.82
Semantic-pragmatic disorder as a distinct diagnostic entity: making sense of the boundaries, by Botting, p.87
SPD and autistic spectrum disorder, by Bowler and Brook, p.91
Some issues in classification of developmental disorders, by Boucher, p.95
Semantic-Pragmatic language disorder: A description with some practical suggestions for teachers , by Martin Smedley. In Child Language Teaching and Therapy, Volume 5, 1989, p.174   ISSN:0265-6590
Autism by another name? Semantic and pragmatic impairments in children , by Brook and Bowler. In Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorder, Volume 22, issue 1, 1992, p.61-81   ISSN:0162-3257
Context and comprehension: a neurolinguistic and interactional approach to the understanding of Semantic-pragmatic disorder , by Sahlen and Nettelbladt. In European Journal of Disorders of Communication, Volume 28, 1993, p.117-140  ISSN:0963-7273
Comprehension problems in children with Specific Language Impairment: Literal and inferential meaning , by Bishop and Adams. In Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, Volume 35, issue 1, February 1992, p.119  ISSN:0022-4685
The extent to which psychometric tests differentiate subgroups of children with SLI , by Conti-Ramsden, Crutchley, and Botting. In Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, Volume 40, August 1997, p.765-777   ISSN:1092-4388
Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder , by Bishop, Hartley, and Weirr. In Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Volume 124, issue 2, 1994   ISSN:0162-3257
The Autistic Spectrum , in the Lancet, Volume 350, issue 9093, December 13, 1997, p.1761    ISSN:0099-5355
Development of the Children's Communication Checklist (CCC): A method for assessing the qualitative aspects of communicative impairment in children , by Bishop. In Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 1998
Sentence comprehension in children with Specific Language Impairment: The role of phonological working memory. In Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, Volume 38, issue 1, February 1995, p.187
Questioning the validity of the semantic-pragmatic syndrome diagnosis , by Gagnon, Mottron, and Joanette. In Autism, volume 1, issue 1, 1997, p.37-55  ISSN:1362-3613
Concordance between teacher/therapist opinion and formal language assessment scores in children with language impairment , by Botting. In European Journal of Disorders of Communication, Volume 32, issue 3, 1997, p.317-327   ISSN:0963-7273
Hemispheric function in Developmental Language Disorders and High Level Autism , by Shields, Varley, Brooks, and Simpson. In Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Volume 38. 1996
Why and when do some language-impaired children seem talkative? , by Bishop. In Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Volume 24, issue 2, 1994, p.177   ISSN:0162-3257
Making information memorable: Enhanced knowledge retention and recall through the Elaboration Process , In Preventing School Failure, Fall 1996
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