Terry Exall - 09/23/00 15:32:57
My Email:terryx@picknowl.com.au
Thankyou David. I am so pleased. Would you let any Brother see my Email Address. As you cannot have too many Friends.
Sebastian Alvarez - 07/07/00 02:10:14
My Email:Tecatermi@yahoo
I Came across your web site,I wanted to say Hello, I am Sebastian Alvarez from San Antonio from lodge-Abraham Linclon-#66. We are recogonized by the Grand Lodge Neuvo Leon.
William Breaux - 06/29/00 00:50:10
My URL:http://www.alvin.tx-mm.org
My Email:bb1718@swbell.net
Greetings brothers,
Thank you for visiting Alvin Masonic Lodge's Home Page. Thought I would drop by return the visit. At the same time, I would like to invite each of you to join us at Alvin Lodge for a visit and socialization. I enjoyed your page.
William Breaux
Senior Warden and WebMaster
Robert Rankin - 06/06/00 21:12:15
My URL:http://www.caleyrailway.co.uk
My Email:r.rankin@ntlworld.com
Fraternal greetings to all the Brethren at El Campo.
Please visit our site to see what is happening in Scotland.
We have a mention of The Alamo in our "photos" section.
Best wishes
Robert Rankin PM Secretary
seth MN Demolay - 05/19/00 22:50:34
My Email:mop19@hotmail.com
hello from MN Demolay i am glad to see your site i enjoed my time on it for i am looking to become a mason i thank you for your work on here and i hope that your loge will do well in the futer
Derrick Fountain - 05/02/00 21:22:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al2/goodwill313
My Email:d_fountain@hotmail.com
Greetings brothers of El Campo #918. Thanks for visiting my site. Hope to see you at the East Gate(GFN)again soon. Nice site, and may you be blessed and virtuous in all your future endeavors. HAVE A GREAT Y6K!!!
Nico Lulofs - 03/21/00 23:51:02
My URL:http://members1.chello.nl/~nico.lulofs/index.htm
My Email:nico.lulofs@chello.nl
A perfect site! My compliments to the builders of this web-site. Nice to see that all the masonnic activeties (from the blue degrees to the rainbow Girls) are covered at one site. David Broman attended me to this site. I'm glad he did. David and I met in
he First Virtual Lodge on the Internet (GFN.) Keep up the good works. For those who understand Dutch or German pls have a look at the site of my Lodge. The URL is mentioned above. Greetings from the other side of the big pond to all Brethren in Texas. You
s Frat. Nico Lulofs, Lodge St.Lodewijk # 3, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
G. L. "Butch" Tucker, Jr. - 02/27/00 00:22:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hkals2
My Email:tucker@getaway.net
Greetings Brethern, You have a wonderful site. I have "Traveled" here from a link posted by your Jr. Warden, Bro. David Broman, on my home Lodge page Littleville Lodge #881 F & AM of Alabama, http://www.
KEN DILLON - 02/04/00 02:06:01
My Email:kdillon@wcnet.net
great site you have,i hope to see you all soon
KEN DILLON - 02/04/00 02:05:09
My Email:kdillon@wcnet.net
great site you have
Gene A. Cremeens - 01/31/00 04:56:56
My Email:cremeens@wcnet.net
This is just great. Wonderful to see the comments from other lodges. Keep up the good work.
- 01/30/00 22:31:58
FR (Dick) Brown - 01/29/00 16:15:36
My URL:http://www.tranquilitylogdge2000.org
My Email:dick@duckcreeklodge.org
Brother Strarup: The El Campo Masonic bodies should be grateful to you for your hard work toward promoting the fraternity! THANK YOU from this brother, as your work helps everyone to build this great craft we call Masonry! Fraternally, Dick (Garland Te
Lilian Cozby - 12/15/99 01:44:19
My Email:wrcozby@calpha.com
I am Grand Representative of Puerto Rico in Texas.
John Webster - 12/13/99 22:46:21
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/biz/brotaz
My Email:brotaz@microtech.com.au
Greetings from Lodge of Peace #7 T.C. Penguin Tasmania.
A good page.
Thanks to your J.W. Bro David Broman. "Moondaug" keeps me in touch very well.
John Webster a/k/a brotaz.
John Lougheed - 11/26/99 23:46:35
My Email:jlougheed1@excite.com
Greetings from Canada. I would be interested in
corresponding with you in Masonic matters.
I live in small town Ontario. My lodge is #435
on the Grand register of Canada. The name of my
lodge is Havelock Lodge, named after the village
we live in.
Looking forward to hearing from you, I have lots
to chat about.
John Lougheed
Havelock Ontario
E-mail jlougheed1@excite.com
Scott Wall, P.M. - 11/22/99 16:24:20
My Email:lswall@airmail.net
Great Web Site. Keep up the great work.
Scott Walll P.M. - 11/22/99 16:23:43
My Email:lswall@airmail.net
Nice web site. Keep up the great work.
William Ray Fischer - 11/19/99 19:20:03
My URL:http://users.1st.net/fischer/mason.htm
My Email:rayfis@1st.net
Fraternal greetings from Bridgeport Lodge #181. You have a great site and I'm glad I found it. It is always good to see brothers spreading light. Keep up the good work.
God bless, Ray
russ lindquist - 11/14/99 00:32:12
My Email:happyswede@prodigy.net
fraternal greeting from russ from isaiah thomas lodge in worcester,ma. enjoyed the visit to your web site will make a return visit again, holiday greetings and my best wishes for a great--Y-K-2
Ed Dare - 11/10/99 23:53:23
My Email:edngerid@wcnet.net
This is excellent Home Page.
Tony Huglin - 11/01/99 10:29:43
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/BlythLodge
My Email:tbibut@iafrica.com
A wonderful & informative site. Well done !
Our site can be viewed @ http://members.xoom.com/BlythLodge
W.: Ronald J. Evans, Jr. - 10/27/99 12:37:15
My Email:Kevans@gate.net
Just stopped by to see your lodge website, nice job! Your friend from GFN 'Pathfinder'
Sugarland Lodge # 281 Clewiston, Florida
Warlock - 10/26/99 00:18:55
i want to be a member of the masonic craft. do you guys practice black or white magic? how do i become indoctrinated? how do i get my sword? can i be a sorcerer? i am a warlock and i practice black magic under the authority of The Black Skull Sect. i'll c
eck back here for answers. thanks.
Timothy M. La Vergne Sr. - 10/25/99 04:11:53
My URL:http://www.constantine13.org
My Email:webmaster@constantine13.org
Just surfing the net regarding masonic sites. I extend an invitation to visit Constantine Lodge No. 13's website. I am also the Ringmaster for the Texas Masonic Web Ring, http://www.constantine13.org/txmasons.htm , if you get a chance stop by for a visi
. Wishing you all well at El Campo.
Kobus Kortmann - 10/19/99 08:57:55
My Email:kortmann@chello.nl
Good feelings for me to find your webpage. I have still good memories to visiting your harmonious lodge and to all the wonderful brothers that I met at El Campo Lodge.
Harry Petrie - 10/18/99 23:56:26
My Email:henry_g.petrie@virgin.net
Congratulations on a very enjoyable and informative site. Fraternal greetings from the Brethren of Lodge Saint George (Provincial Grand Lodge of Aberdeen City) and The Lodge of Portlethen (Provincial Grand Lodge of Kincardineshire) Both Grand Lodge of Sc
Decatur Masonic Temple Assoc, Inc. - 10/17/99 22:46:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/dmtainc
My Email:decatur_masomic_temp@springnet1.com
Greetings from our Temple in Decatur, Illinois. We have devoloped a Home Page for our Temple with links to our Masonic Bodies pages. The URL is listed if you would like to visit our Page. Congratulations on your Page. We have found a valuable new way t
keep our Bretheren informed.
- 10/08/99 05:06:29
My Email:biged@wcnet.net
Nice job!
Matt Green - SW - 10/07/99 23:16:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/brooklyn386
My Email:green613@juno.com
Great web page!!
John M. Ramsey - 10/04/99 15:53:58
My Email:cduster@cyrunner.net
The Web page is very good.
Traveling Man - 10/02/99 22:32:00
Just passing through. No home Lodge anymore but have been a Master Mason since 1949. Your page looks very nice. It shows a warmth and lots of welcome. I like the Masonic Family approach, makes me yearn for a home Lodge again.
RW David Chase, Senior Grand Warden, GL of NJ - 09/30/99 17:46:49
My URL:http://www.njfreemasonry.org
My Email:rwchase@hotmail.com
I visited your Masonic web site via the em@son ring. Your site is very well done and I commend you on your outstanding effort. The Internet is proving to be a great tool for Freemasons the world over and of all walks of life to communicate. When you get a
chance, visit our Masonic websites at:
http://www.2be1ask1.com .
R.W. David A. Chase,
Senior Grand Warden,
Grand Lodge of New Jersey F&AM
Norval F. Clapp, Jr. - 09/29/99 16:56:44
My Email:norcla@wcnet.net
What can I say? It's beautiful.
John Petrich - 09/29/99 07:06:29
My Email:jpet104@gte.net
The site looks fabulous Martin. Great Job...
David Broman - 09/29/99 03:31:39
My Email:broman@wcnet.net
Great job Martin looks really great
Your Friendly Web Master - 09/29/99 00:09:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/elcampo918/
My Email:elcampomason@hotmail.com
I just wanted to be the first to sign.