Cats might have nine lives but our children don't!

Roxy is searching for ways to keep kids safe!
(feel free to download Roxy for personal use)

National Center for Missing and Exploited Kids

Ways to Protect Our Children and Help Others

Check out the Children's Safety Network

They have loads of great information on safety issues!

Buckle Up - check out Car Safety for Children

All the information you should need on car safety and great parenting links.

Child Product Safety Recalls

Lists of Recalled Products by Category


Many children are injured each year from the very toys we purchase to make them happy! I will be featuring such things as safety recalls, what to look for, and such, as I find them.

As a child I always wanted to jump on a trampoline. I did try it a couple of years ago, although I am far from a child now! It is much more strenuouse exercise than you might think! My niece was using it too, and I couldn't help but be a little nervous because there are many injuries each year from trampolines. My sister-in-law works for a doctor and she will vouch for that. Sometimes these injuries cause permanent problems or even death. In the past few years I see trampolines for sale all over the place - the kind that lead to injury! I just found this SAFE trampoline and if I could talk my husband into it I might get it for myself! I've never seen one before that protects you from falling off or hitting the hard frame, which are the causes of injury. Click on the picture to learn more about this trampoline!

14-ft. Safe-T-Court™ Trampoline

Roxy is an affectionate but shy kitty and she belongs to my daughter, Sabrina.


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This Missing Children's Ring site is owned by Alexis Baranek
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