It's really been so long since I've took the time to look at this page and think about what to do next. I really felt that I needed to update, because who I was when I started this, isn't who I am now. I think I've done a lot of growing up. Some good has come, some bad. I remember when I wrote my testimony it was from a very sincere place, but when I look at it, I only see a pale shadow of who I used to be. I left saying that hanging out in chatrooms helped keep me sane. Well, in some ways that was very true. But I also lost something by restricting myself to this chair, this keyboard, and this screen. I had forgotten who God was to me, and put this fantasy world in it's place. People I'd chat with didn't really know who I was. Oh, they knew what my thoughts were about because I'd tell them what they were. But, I don't know, I don't think you can really get to know people like this. Who knows... sometimes there are miracles of friendship.. |