Vicky aka Victory2jc's page of stuff.... *******:) ??? (:******* |
"What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in hell." Matthew 10:27,28 |
Hello everybody this is me, I am 20 years old, and I am a Christian. What I hope to reflect on these pages is who I am. And who I am is a Child of God. He is who I am, he is the reason I live, I breath. That is what I want to show you. What an incredible, amazing, HUGE, loving God he truely is. Plus a few odds and ends, pictures, quotes etc. I hope that you that you enjoy. And I pray that you will be blessed, not by reading this page, but everyday! |
This is a picture of me and my family and some friends. From Left to right... Friends of the family: there's Samantha, Sheila, Cedric, Then family: Gaetan (stepfather) My mother, and ME, and my sister... Neat eh. :) |
Thanksgiving weekend, dinner at the Swiss Chalet. Very cool.... |
Me, the chatter. I'm a teeny bit addicted to chat, so if you want to find me sometime, I go to yahoo chat, with alias' like, uh, oO_vicks_Oo mostly, and, some other ones, victory2kx, and victory2jc were my first ones. Anyways, you might already know that, well, since you probably know me from there, so this just might be pointless for me to be telling you. he he he. |
My testimony and links to others... |
More pictures... |
Carissa's page of Poems, etc. |
Carissa's Spiritual Journey Paper |
Favorite Scriptures, Quotes, etc... |
Wanna email me or something about anything you have seen here, or just coz you want to talk or critique or whatever: vicks2u@hotmail.com, or victory2kx@yahoo.com Please be kind, this is my first effort at trying to make these pages. |