Chat Friends

What can I say about my wonderful, amazing chat friends! These are clearly some of the most neat friends I have ever had! I love them soooo much! They are some Characters I'll tell you that much, He he he. ok, let me see, who's who. YAY!!

What can I say about Joe--) God has used Joe to teach me so many things since I met him. He is going to do some amazing things for God. He is totally precious and special, chosen, set apart. Thank you Lord, for... Joe.

Left: This is Travis. Somehow, all of sudden, when I wasn't looking, Travis became a really great friend. A total gift from God.. To listen, and to LAUGH with. It's been fun. Thank you God for the gift of friendship. He is one truly amazing talented friend, who, get this, LOVES GOD!

J. "the wolf among the sheep", he calls himself, but I KNOW, he is a puppy dog! ..cont.

J continued... He is an incredibly talented person. So stinkin talented. J is clearly one of the sweetest people I have ever met in my life. Oh, and he's from Austrailia, so he has one of those neat accents. I love him so much! ((^_^))

Dempsey: One of my bestest buds. A sweet person w. a soft heart. God bless him richly.... v.

This is Ben. What can I say about Ben? There are many words, but never enuf. He is sooooo smart and soooooooo talented. He's a good friend to have. One of those gift from God type of friends. He loves God, God loves him. It's good. I'm glad to call him my friend...

This is Ryan. He's from Alberta. Don't tell anyone but he's a cutie. He'll say, NOOOOOO, but it's all good. I know what's what! He's neat.-------->>

This is Kat. She is my sis in Christ and I love her very much. She's a very sweet girl. God bless her.

Nikki_Nicole5: an incredibly sweet girl. Kat's sister actually, that's how I met her. I love her plenty lots. She is also my sister in Christ. She does look really sad in this picture though.... God bless her.

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