PLEASE REMEMBER BOARD MEMBERS should not be contacted regarding matters that are already being handled by a committee (See committees on the Home Page)
Applied Pest Science our Pest Control Company will be treating the Condo's for pests and has supplied us with the new 2003 schedule. They will be treating the inside of our units the first Tues. of the months of January, April, July & October. Access to your unit is needed for this service. Please make sure that the Board of Directors have the keys. Outside treatment will be the next day Wed.(first Wed. following the first Tuesday).
All members please remember to return their "grounds/trimming" request to Margaret Megiel.
PLEASE NOTE: Following the information of the Cooperative Extension Service the sprinkler system has been set to run ONCE a week during the winter months
ASIAN SCALE IS STILL HERE. Please check to make sure that the pest is under control.
More information is at
While we treated this scale a few times I'm sad to say that we are losing the battle. Unfortunately we will begin to cut down the severely infested Sago palms.
Schooner Bay is PRIVATE PROPERTY, if you see a person or persons that you are unfamiliar with on Schooner Bay property PLEASE ask them who they are visiting. If they are unable to give an answer inform them that this is PRIVATE PROPERTY and ask them POLITELY to leave.
Grace McGee is trying to organize a water aerobics class at our pool. If you are intrested please contact her for information.
Bids have come in for the replacement of the polypebble and all bids are finalized. At present we have a bid to do the work, it is $5.25 per sq. ft. for pavers over the polypebble & $6.50 to remove the polypebble and install the pavers. Just a reminder this will be at owners option and cost. Those that decide to have the work done will also have to SIGN a "Covenant to Run" . This means THEY and all future owners of that unit will be responsible for the care & upkeep of the pavers. If at some time in the future they change their minds they WILL be able to revert back to the polypebble at their expense and then we will remove the "Covenant to Run". After that the Association will be responsible for the polypebble.
Welcome again to Jack & Pat Horner the new owners of unit 6640 .
Some of you may have noticed that a few owners have placed "tubes" for the daily paper near their mail boxes. The "tubes" supplied by the Sarasota Herald Tribune are a bright red and are placed on posts also supplied by the Tribune. The question was asked if we could paint the "tubes" and attach them to our mail box stands. After on site discussions with Bob Steele the District Manager we have come up with a plan that is acceptable. We can paint the boxes the same color as the mail box stands or BLACK - BUT we must have our address on the "tube" so that the carrier will know where to deliver the paper.
Call to order at 3:03 PM
Proof of Notice given
Quorum present,
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT - Sullivan, Spears & Megiel
22 members present in person or by proxy.
The votes were as follows:
To approve the Dock Amendment: Yes 22 No 0 NON VOTE 14
The Dock Amendment was approved
Adjournment 3:03 PM
Personal coment: To the 22 owners that took the time to vote in person or by proxy I thank you. Some of you know the effort in writing, rewriting, re-rewriting, e-mails, phone calls and conferences that took place to put together this (or any) amendment. The Board was delighted with the passing of the amendment however I was disappointed with the 14 owners that DID NOT VOTE. I don't know if they realize that a NON VOTE IS COUNTED AS A NO VOTE. If that is their way to vote NO I have no complaint, BUT if the non votes were a result of indifference then I AM ANGRY and SAD that they think so little of the combined efforts of Board members and the efforts of owners to put into place this or any amendment.
Call to order 3:04 PM
Proof of notice given
Quorum Present
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT - Sullivan, Spears & Megiel
SECRETARY/TREASURER: JIM MEGIEL: At present we are $3500.00 under budget however we will be replaceing deteriorated T-111 with Hardie Board at a cost of $4,322.00. We will use our roof reserves to re-roof a quad at a cost of $20,561.00. This may go slightly higher ($2.25 per sq.ft.)if defective sheathing is found (usually some).
POOLMASTER: JERRY SPEARS: The pool pump was replaced (with our previous pool pump that we had rebuilt)as was the heating element for the pool heater
Personal coment: Jerry Spears blows the pool area clean almost every day. One day 1-2 weeks ago a visitor asked him to stop because the blower made noise. Jerry informed them that he volunteers to keep the pool area clean. This visitor told him that the blower was making a lot of noise and the blowing leaves was disturbing them so could he do it some other time. Jerry finished his "JOB" and left. On another occasion a renter insisted that hired workman that were blocking the road trimming trees stop, come down and move their trucks so that the renter wouldn't have to go arround and come in at a different entrance. I would like some input from the owners. Do you want visitors or renters to be able to stop our volunteers and hired workman at their whim?
BUILDINGS & GROUNDS: JIM MEGIEL: Grounds crew are in the winter schedule which is a visit every 10 days. Buildings report covered in Secretary/Treasurer report .
ROOFING: JIM MEGIEL: Report covered in Secretary/Treasurer report .
Unfinished Business:
Yard sale: Sale is set for Sat. Jan. 10th from 8 AM to 1PM. Setups will be at owners driveway/garage. If you don't have much to sell you may combine it with a neighbor. Owners that participate will donate $5.00 per household towards the cost of advertising, signs, and associated costs. Sale will be from 8 AM to 1 PM. All autos will be directed to enter from the south at Baywood Drive and instructed to park on the fence side of the street. No parking on the grass will be posted. Autos will exit from the North to Ave B/C. Owners that participate can meet at the clubhouse at 1:30 for a picnic lunch (dogs & chips).
Annual Meeting: 7:00 PM Wednesday, February 4th, 2004 at the clubhouse.
New Business: None
General Information. In a discussion after the meeting it was agreed that Jack Horner will give his COMMITTEES, Fence & Road, to Joe Pitrone. I (Jim Megiel) will give my COMMITTIEES, Buildings & Roofs, to Jack Horner. Margaret & I will retain Grounds Committee.
"THIS IS THE GREATEST PLACE TO LIVE IN SARASOTA. I'm extending my stay again." - Sam & Deb Cabral
Wednesday, Jan. 21st, 2003 at 3:00 PM