Mommy's Shelf
These are sites and information that I collected that are really useful for me and for my children
- White House Greeting
Tiger got his first letter when he was one month old. It was a congradulations card from the White House signed by the President and the First Lady. All of my friends think that it's neat.
- BabyCenter
BabyCenter is one site that I get on daily. It is a very valuable resource and community for parents. If you have a question, go to one of the many bulletin boards and somebody will be sure to have an answer or a suggestion for you.
- Dr. Hull's Sleep Tight Vedio
Dr. Hull promotes a method of "no tear" approach to teach your children a good sleep habit. I feel that his method is very reasonable and attactive to those parents who can't let their babies cry out. The best thing that comes with the vedio is that Dr. Hull provides unlimited email support. He would answer your question within 24 hours.
- La Leche League International
I've found a lot of good advice about breastfeeding here. When my son refused bottle (with my expressed breast milk), we got him eat again by following the suggestions of my friend Kristen who is trying to become a La Leche Leader and two La Leche Leaders that work with her.
- Kelly's Attachment Parenting Page
I found the page "The distractible baby" first when Tiger started pulling back and looking around while nursing. I felt that it is very informative and humorous. Later I found that this is true for her other pages.
- Ask Dr. Sears
Lots of info about childhood sickness. I found the best source about infant reflux. I really wish I had known about this site when Tiger was little.
- Healing Eczema From Inside Out
This is a paper that my friend Shelley forwarded to me. Both Shelley and Gabrielle (the author of this paper) have a daughter that suffers from Eczema. Gabrielle has done an extensive research on homeopathic treatment of eczema. I feel that the information she collected are extremely valuable for parents whose children have eczema. It has helped me to cure my son's Eczema. I'm posting this paper here in hope that more people can be helped. The only change I made to the paper is that I've made sure all links are workable.