English names


Girls' names Meaning
Alexandra from Alexander, defender of mankind
Alyssa of noble birth, rational
Amber amber-coloured, red
Amberly form of Amber
Ashley from the ash tree meadow
Autumn the season, Autumn
Autumne form of Autumn
Beverly beaver stream
Brianna from Brian, strong
Britney brit
Brooke brook, stream
Brooklyn water, stream
Chelsey a London district
Dana from Denmark
Dawn dawn, awakening
Delaney descendant of the challenger, black, Irish surname
Devon county in England, poet
Dinah from Dean, head, leader
Eleanor light
Ellie from Eleanor, light
Ellyn light, most beautiful woman
Elora God is light, light
Ellyson of noble birth
Emma whole, complete
Faith faith, to trust
Grace grace of God
Gracie from Grace, grace of God
Hannah grace of God
Haven safe place, shelter
Hazel the hazel tree
Heather heather, shrub, plant
Hope trust, faith
Ivy ivy
Jace  beautiful, attractive
Jadyn God has heard
Jayde the gemstone, green
Kamryn from Cameron, bent nose
Kimberleigh form of Kimberly, diamond-filled rock
Kimberly a diamond-filled rock
Lane path, to move on
Lanie path
Laurel laurel, plant
Lily lily, from Lillian, God's oath
Linn ruddy-complected, a cascade
Livia life, from Olivia, olive tree
Rae from Rachel, a female sheep, doe
Rain rain
Raven raven, bird, dark-haired, wise
Sasha from Alexandre, defender of mankind
Summer Summer, the season
Sydney contraction of St. Denys
Taylor tailor
Teighlor form of Taylor, tailor
Winter Winter, the season

Boys' names Meaning
Adam the earth
Andrew manly, courageous
Anthony priceless, highly priceworthy
Bailey bailiff, steward
Brad broad meadow
Bradley a broad lea, meadow
Brandon from the beacon hill, from Brendan, a raven
Brayden brave, broad hillside
Chandler candle-maker
Colin child, from Nicholas, victorious people
Creighton neer the creek
Darin precious present, great
Dean head, leader
Derek famous ruler
Drew trustworthy, wise
Graham warring, the gray home
Haven safe place, shelter
Howie from Howard, guardian of the home
Hugh bright in mind and spirit, intelligent
Hunter one who hunts
Jack from John, God is gracious
James supplanter
Jay from Jason or Jacob, a bird in the crow family
Jeffrey Gift of peace
Jeremy God will uplift, form of Jeremiah
Keenan little and ancient, sharp
Kyle wood, handsome
Lucas from Lucus, light
Luke from Lucus, light
Mark from Mars, form of Marcus
Matt short form of Matthew, gift of God
Nicky abbreviation of Nicholas
Patrick nobleman
Rick from Richard, powerful, rich ruler
River river
Rob from Robert, bright fame
Robbie from Robert, bright fame
Ryley island meadow
Shawn from the shady grove, from John
Tyler home builder
Will from William, resolute protector, strong helmet
William desire to protect
Zachary from Zachariah, God has remembered

Girls' names
Full names for girls
Boys' names
Full names for boys
Twin names
English names
Irish names

Boots, Mercery Lane, Canterbury, England.