List of girls’ names:

Name Origin (List of abbreviations) Meaning
Adrienne Fr from the Adriatic Sea Region, dark
Ailey Ir light
Alannah Ir dear child, beautiful
Alicia Gr truthful
Alexandra Eng, Gr, Sw from Alexander, defender of mankind
Allyn Ir, Gae beautiful, light
Alyssa Eng, Gr of noble birth, rational
Amber Eng, Ar amber-coloured, red
Amberly Eng, Ar form of Amber
Angel Gr, La angelic
Ashley Eng, An-Sax from the ash tree meadow
Athina Gr from Athene, wise
Autumn Eng the season, Autumn
Autumne Eng form of Autumn
Beverly Eng beaver stream
Brianna Ir, Eng, Ce from Brian, strong
Bridget Ce, Ir strong
Brielle Ir hill
Britney Eng brit
Brooke Eng brook, stream
Brooklyn Eng water, stream
Camdyn Sco winding valley
Cavana Ir from Cavan
Ceana ? God is gracious
Celina Gr moon
Celine Gr, Fr moon, one of 7 mythical daughters of Atlas
Chanel Fr pipe, channel
Chanelle Fr pipe, channel
Chelsey Eng a London district
Cheney ? little great one
Cheyenne Nat.Am people of alien speech
Cheyna Hb beautiful
Chianna Nat.Am form of Cheyenne/Cheyanne
Chiara Ir from ciar which means black
Chloe Gr blooming
Christine Fr, Gr, La from Christopher, Christ-bearer
Chrystina Fr, Gr, La from Christina, Christ's follower
Claire Fr from Clara, bright
Clara Fr, La clear, bright
Clare Fr, La from Clara, bright
Dallas Gae, Ce, Sco wise, from the waterfall
Dana Ir, Eng, Ce, Da from Denmark
Dani It, Sp my judge
Danielle Hb from Daniel, God is my judge
Dawn Eng, An-Sax dawn, awakening
Delaney Eng, Ir descendant of the challenger, black, Irish surname
Devaney Ir dark-haired
Devon Eng county in England, poet
Dinah Hb, Eng from Dean, head, leader
Edeline Ge, Te high born
Eden Hb paradise, perfect
Eleanor Eng, Fr, Gr light
Eleonora Sw, It light
Elicia Fr from Elizabeth, God's oath
Elin Sw, We light
Elise Fr from Elizabeth, God's oath
Ellie Eng from Eleanor, light
Ellyn Eng light, most beautiful woman
Elora Hb, Eng God is light, light
Ellyson Eng of noble birth
Emlyn We from Aemilius, eager
Emma Eng, Ge, Sw whole, complete
Emily La, Te industrious, flatterer
Emilyn ? ? see Emily or Emlyn?
Erin Ir, Gae, Ce Ireland
Faith Eg, Gr, La faith, to trust
Felicia Fr, La happiness
Grace Eng, La grace of God
Gracie Eng, La from Grace, grace of God
Gwyneth We fortunate, blessed
Hannah Eng, Hb grace of God
Harmony La concord, a beautiful blending
Haven Eng safe place, shelter
Hazel Eng the hazel tree
Heather Eng heather, shrub, plant
Hope Eng trust, faith
Isobel Sco consecrated to God
Ireland Ir Ireland
Ivy Eng, Gr ivy
Jace  Eng beautiful, attractive
Jade Sp green gemstone, jade
Jadyn Eng God has heard
Jayde Eng the gemstone, green
Joelle Fr, Hb God is willing
Julia Fr, La, Sw soft-haired, youthful
Juliet Fr, La soft-haired, young
Juliette Fr, La form of Juliet, soft-haired, young
Kamryn Eng from Cameron, bent nose
Keely Ir graceful
Kianna Ir form of Kian, ancient
Kiara Ir from ciar which means black
Kimberleigh Eng form of Kimberly, diamond-filled rock
Kimberly Eng a diamond-filled rock
Lane Eng path, to move on
Lanie Eng path
Laurel Eng, Fr laurel, plant
Lily Eng, Gr, Hb, La lily, from Lillian, God's oath
Linn Eng, Sw, An-Sax ruddy-complected, a cascade
Liv Sw, La life, from Olivia, olive tree
Livia Eng, La life, from Olivia, olive tree
Louise Fr, Ge, Te from Louis, famous in battle
Madeline Hb woman from Magdala
Meghan Ir pearl
Morgan Ce, We from the sea
Nicole Gr from Nicholas, victory of people
Noelle Fr Christmas, birthday
Rachel Ge, Hb lamb, Ewe
Rae Hb, Eng, Sca from Rachel, a female sheep, doe
Rain ? rain
Raven Eng raven, bird, dark-haired, wise
Rebecca Hb captivating
Reese We enthusiastic
Rose Fr, La, Sco from the rose blossom
Rylyn Ga, Ir Rye+Lynn. Rye is from Ryan, king.
Salma Ar safe
Sarah Hb princess
Sasha Eng, Gr, Ru from Alexandre, defender of mankind
Savannah Sp treeless plain
Shannen Ir from Shannon, ancient God
Shannon Ir ancient God
Shauna Ir from Shaun or John, God is merciful, present
Sheena Hb, Sco God's gift, Scottish form of Jane
Sierra Ir from Ciaran, black
Skylar Du sheltering
Summer Eng Summer, the season
Sydney Eng, Fr contraction of St. Denys
Tamara Hb a spice of palm tree
Taryn Gr innocent
Tawney Ir green field, the colour of the lion
Taylor Eng tailor
Teighlor Eng form of Taylor, tailor
Tierney Ir lordly
Tricia La, Sp from Patricia, of noble descent
Valery La to be strong, brave
Vanessa Gr butterfly
Victoria La victorious
Winter ? Winter, the season

Girls' names
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English names
Irish names

The Sun Hotel, Canterbury, England.