The surfers Ten Commandments
You shall have no other gods before me - and not let the Internet take so much of your time, so there will be no time left for prayer and silence with God.
You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God - but be a Christian witness over the whole Internet.
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy - so that the Christian fellowship is not neglected in favor of cyperspace.
Honor your father and your mother - so that the Internet does not become more important for you then the time together with your family and freinds.
You shall not murder - but you shall oppose every kind of violence, hatred and evil on the Internet.
You shall not commit adultery - and donīt seek websites and webcommunities, that show and glorify pornography, protitution and indecentnes.
You shall not steal - and you must because of that not download or distribute programs, music and games, that you donīt have the right to own.
You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor - and not put false or twisted information on the Internet.
You shall not covet your neighbor's house - but be honest and trustable, so that you donīt cheat or swindle anyone, like taking another identity.
You shall not covet - and not led the covetousness get control of you, so that you always MUST have the newest software or tecnic.