Dumond / Dumont
On this page you will find: the lineage of the Dumont/Dumond family tree. Second, you will find all other Dumonds that are related to the Family Tree. But as you will notice, the other names are only mentioned on this page are as spouses. If you require information on these people, please refer yourself to the Surnames page.

  If you are to find any inconsistencies, or missing information, feel free to
E-mail us. We also certainly do not want to leave anyone out, so if there's someone missing, let us know!
Matthew b. 09-04-1985
Michael b. 24-03-1991
Nathan b. 04-03-1993
Sherry Dumond b. 06-11-1966
w/ 10-09-1995 Robert Gagne b. 26-05-1966
Vernon Dumond b. 03-02-1926
m.31-08-1944 Bernice Pitts b.10-04-1921
Narcisse (Nelson) Rodrigue Dumond  b.17-12-1896
m.30-07-1917  Marie-Louise Ladouceur  b.16-06-1897
Arthur Dumont (Dumas)  b. ?
m.20-11-1893 Marie-Elisabeth Blaie  b. ?
NB:These are the only 2 generations Dumas appears as an alternative to Dumont.
Pierre Dumont (Dumas) b. ?
m.16-09-1851  Domathilde Faubert  b. ?
Pierre Dumont  b.  ?
m.26-10-1829  Marie Leclerc b.  ?
Pierre Dumont b.  ?
m.24-09-1809  Marie Bastien  b. ?
Pierre Dumont  b.  ?
m. Genevieve L'Ecuyer b.  ?
Pierre Dumont  b. 09-02-1712
m. 16-11-1744 M-Therese Gaudry b. ?
Jean Dumont  b. Abt.1662
m. 06-06-1689 Marguerite Morin  b. 05-08-1671
Jean Dumont b. ?
m. Anne Moneron b. ?
Married in Poitou, France
At this moment women who married into the Dumond/Dumont Family Tree have not been added into
this list. In a short time they will be added with their maiden name in brackets.
i.e. Dumond (Pitts), Bernice
Name                                                      Birth Date                                                  Death Date
Dumond, Alana                                            January 18, 1957
Dumond, Alice                                             June 07, 1966
Dumond, Archieball                                      December 11, 1896                                    July 23, 1966
Dumond, Arthur                                 
Dumond, Baby                                             September 17, 1959                                   September 17, 1959
Dumond, Baby(2)                                         January 02, 1948                                       January 14, 1948
Dumond, Billy Joseph                                    
Dumond, Bobby
Dumond, Bonnie                                           February 25, 1954
Dumond, Christina                           
Dumond, Christopher
Dumond, Cindy                                            May 13, 1961
Dumond, Connie                                           March 04, 1960
Dumond, Darrell                                           March 18, 1958
Dumond, Darrell Emile                                  July 16, 1932                                           July 09, 1995
Dumond, Donald                                          March 12, 1955
Dumond, Germaine Muriel                             April 23, 1921                                                      1921
Dumond, Gerry                                            September 09, 1930                                  November 28, 1978
Dumond, Gisele                                            August 31, 1983
Dumond, Iris                                                June 09, 1937
Dumond, Jason
Dumond, Jerry                                              May 26, 1955
Dumond, John
Dumond, Michael                                          September 17, 1959
Dumond, Narcisse (Nelson)                            December 17, 1896                                 July 23, 1966
Dumond, Nelson                                            March 13, 1960
Dumond, Nicole                                              
Dumond, Noland                                            June 15, 1949
Dumond, Orval                                              June     , 1929                                        December 31, 1929
Dumond, Patricia Clarice                                 March 17, 1928                                     July 09, 1995
Dumond, Patrick                                            April 19, 1985
Dumond, Pauline Gertrude                               March 28, 1920                                     March 17, 1994
Dumond, Robon                                             November   , 1962
Dumond, Rona Marie                                      May 31, 1922                        
Dumond, Ronald                                             August 10, 1943
Dumond, Sharon                                             November 16, 1946
Dumond, Sherry                                              November 06, 1966
Dumond, Shirley                                             November 21, 1935
Dumond, Shirley                                             January 08, 1963
Dumond, Stephanie                                         April 30, 1987
Dumond, Tiffany                                             September 04, 1982
Dumond, Vernon                                              February 03, 1926
Dumond, Vernon                                              April 10, 1943
Dumond, Wendy                                               June 07, 1968
Dumont, Antoine                                               October 09, 1705
Dumont, Jacques-Marie                                     December 13, 1706
Dumont, Jean                                                   
Dumont, Jean                                                    About 1662                                          November 16, 1724
Dumont, Jean-Baptiste                                        June 16, 1703
Dumont, Jean-Baptiste                                        October 09, 1705
Dumont, Jean-Francois                                       September 26, 1709
Dumont, Jeanne                                                  June 22, 1700
Dumont, Joseph                                                  March 19, 1711
Dumont, Louise-Marguerite                                  April 24, 1696
Dumont, Marie                                                    February 14, 1693
Dumont, Marie-Josephe                                        May 02, 1704
Dumont, Marie-Josephe                                        June 08, 1708
Dumont, Marie-Louise                                          July 31, 1690
Dumont, Pierre
Dumont, Pierre
Dumont, Pierre
Dumont, Pierre
Dumont, Pierre                                                    February 09, 1712

At this moment this list is considered incomplete.
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