Best news of
2007: Janet has announced her engagement to Jeremy Molnar.
We're going to have a wedding!
They will be married on June 22, 2008 at Manitou Springs. Here is
a link to their wedding web site:
I have to
apologize for the long delay in getting the family web site updated.
First Geocities got a virus that was infecting anyone who visited the
web pages. Then my computer crashed big time. I lost a lot
of my files. It took the geeks at Best Buy a couple of weeks to
save some of the files but others were gone for good. And of
course, I had to reload all the programs I use and that meant finding
them somewhere in this house. Then I had a major project to work
Two days after
my computer crashed, the food bank at our church - where Granny used to
work - called and asked me to design a database to hold their customer
records. The problem is that the volunteers who work at the food
bank are generally retired people, many of whom don't want to use a
computer. But they were using index cards and they had over 1500
of them. So I began working on that program and it took me a
couple of months. The due date was the week before Christmas.
The program is mostly working but there are still a couple of areas that
need attention. The people who are using it say it is working
wonderfully, but there are still some things I need to fix.
However, I hope
the problems are over and I will be able to update this website more