Welcome to Troop 588's Guestbook!

Mrs Bagwell - 07/22/00 20:38:14
My Email:kalestoe@yahoo.com
Troop/Council: #233 Jonesboro council
Level: Cadet
City/State: Jonesboro, AR

We had a website last year and I was discouraged because nobody ever went to see it. I kept it updated and informative for both the girls and the leaders. our site had 6 pages: 1)welcome 2)our troop information 3)other troops 4)world troops 5)calendar page and 6)leader page. It had girlscout clipart and on page 2 we had a link to our own album online and pictures of all the girls had done. We want to have another one this year and I think at the first meeting i'll announce it and give them each a coloring book with black and white girlscout pictures telling about our website (with the URL at the bottom of each page). I am checking out other websites to see if there is something else I should do to my page. send any suggestions to kalestoe@yahoo.com, thanks

Junior Troop 403 - 06/29/00 18:30:40
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/md/scouts403
My Email:scouts403@hotmail.com
Troop/Council: Troop 403/Shawnee council
Level: Juniors
City/State: Martinsburg, West Virginia

Enjoyed your homepages..lots of good information. Visit us once in awhile. Keep up the good work!

Peg - 05/18/00 02:54:15
My Email:pegzerkel@scoutinglinks.com
Troop/Council: GIrl Scout Council of Greater St. Louis
Level: Jr. Troop 1350/Sr. Troop 607
City/State: St. Louis, MO

Just surf the net and happen upon your site. Great job!D I am always glad to run into a Missouri scout troop. Keep up the good work and hopeful by the end of summer, my girls will have a site for you all to visit.

Daisy - 03/28/00 20:23:46
My URL:http://home.att.net/~I_write_screenplays/index.html

I think you did a great job. Stay in Girl Scouts forever! I wish I could. I made a webpage about our great Junior troop and all the fun stuff we did and how all us girls and all our parents really loved our Troop Leader a lot. She was very kind and brave nd taught us girls a lot about forgiveness. I put lots of fun stuff on my website so you will lke it. I hope, anyway. I want Girl Scouts to come visit me. Thank you.

Junior Troop 2616 - 02/20/00 02:25:22
My URL:http://girlscoutcookies.friendpages.com
My Email:cwillocks@mindspring.com
Troop/Council: Cumberland Valley Council
Level: Junior
City/State: Nashville TN

Hi, been checking out other Girl Scout sites. I really like your site and thought I would sign your guest book and say hello and invite you to visit our troops website. We live in middle Tennessee in the Nashville area. On our website we'd like to show o her Girl Scouts and Girl Guides a little about our area of the country, our city and some of the interesting things we do in scouting. We take pictures at every meeting now and try to upload them within a couple of days. We are uploading pictures from our cookie sales booth right now. we sold about 15 cases today. (2/19/00) Each girl will be adding her own page soon, as we try to earn the computer skills badge. We have lots of fun holiday links, graphics and even a page of cool shockwave games that you can play online. Our site also features a photo tour of Nashville, TN. We've got photos of some of the area attractions, as well as a few interesting historic photos of the city. Click on the red star to view the historic Nashville Photographs and read a little about wha the city was like in the past. If you visit, please sign our guestbook and let us know where you are from. We love hearing from other Girl Scouts.

Nancy - 11/21/99 04:39:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/3457
Troop/Council: Troop #524 Heart of MO Girl Scout Council
Level: Juniors
City/State: MO

Really enjoyed your site! Nice to see some neighboring scouts both in state and on the net!!! The site looks really nice. Hope you will drop by and visit us as well. Keep up the good work. :-)

Cynthia - 11/12/99 13:56:45
My Email:crea@telepath.com
Troop/Council: Troop 312 - Sooner Council
Level: First Grade Brownies
City/State: Norman, Oklahoma

Had a great time surfing your site! You've obviously devoted a lot of time and thought to the construction of your site. As I love Halloween, as well, I thoroughly enjoyed the collection of Halloween recipes. Have bookmarked the page for future use! < itchy laugh and smile> As my mother and so many of my family are from Missouri, anything related to that great State has a special place in my heart -- up to and including GS "sister" Leaders and their Troops! Keep up the great work with your Troop! Cynthia

junior troop 592 - 11/08/99 14:38:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/7954
My Email:troop_592@yahoo.com
Troop/Council: heart of missouri
Level: junior
City/State: lake ozark

Hi. Is Tina Spillers your MDD from Heart of Mo GS Council? If so, we are hosting the Thinking Day event down here and would love to have you attend. It will be great fun. Are you doing a booth at Rendezvous? We are still trying to plan ours but we will have one. It will be fun to meet you there!! Kim and Junior Troop 592

Tracy Dotson - 11/08/99 02:40:46
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wv/firstnamesinc/index.html
My Email:tadot_2000@yahoo.com
City/State: Edgarton, W. Va. USA

Very nice looks like you put a lot of work into it hope to see you at my webpage soon have a great day

Jan - 11/04/99 18:49:13
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/millennium/puppet/242/index.html
My Email:JanandJensHome@aol.com
Troop/Council: San Antonio
City/State: TX

Hi Troop 588,
Your pages are great!
Love the Halloween Recipes - LOL ;-)
Stop by and see us.
Be Good~

Jeannie - 11/03/99 00:35:48
My URL:http://homestead.com/3girlscouttroops/3troopswebpage.html
My Email:scoutleader101@scoutinglinks.com
Level: Juniors, Cadettes, and Seniors

Hello, I enjoyed your web site. This year our troops began the "Troop Bucks" and it sounds like the Scouts will really enjoy it. Our troops set it up for every 3 months. Very nice site. Take Care.

Angela - 11/02/99 19:05:45
My Email:asmorris@pscnet.com
Troop/Council: Western Rivers, Troop #240
Level: Brownies
City/State: Eugene, OR

Great page! Wish we had your webring graphic of the hand-drawn girl scouts. They're great! You have lots going on! Great job!

shelly - 09/17/99 05:35:38
My Email:scoutdreams@webv.net
Troop/Council: Gulfcoast FL
Level: Leader of Br, Jr, and Cadettes
City/State: Englewood Fl area

Nice to meet you and read about your activites, etc. The site is very nice. We don't have one, but, want one. Just love surfing around the webring!

shelly - 09/17/99 05:19:47
My Email:scoutdreams@webtv.net
Troop/Council: Troops 13, 9, 79 Gulfcoast FL Council
Level: Br, Jr, Cadette
City/State: Englewood Fl area

Great site! One of the best I have found surfing around out here! Have kept it in my favs file. Would love to here from you guys.

Sherry Holwell - 09/15/99 17:01:22
My Email:sdholwell@hotmail.com
Level: Brownie Leader
City/State: Newfoundland, Canada

Neat site. Really enjoyed my visit. Yours in Guiding, Sherry

Vickie - 08/28/99 05:35:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cabin/3871/
My Email:family2@airmail.net
Troop/Council: 2577/Tejas
Level: Jr
City/State: Irving,TX

I really enjoyed your site. Keep up the good work.

kim - 08/18/99 14:41:30
My Email:mwain@dam.net
Troop/Council: 592/HMGSC
Level: junior
City/State: Lake Ozark, MO

I like your web page. I am just starting one for my Junior troop and it is going very slowly. Your setup is very nice. What did you use to set yours up? I'm very green on this stuff. Kim PS Are you gals from Jeff. City?

Connie Meschede - 08/12/99 20:16:02
My URL:http://www.geocitites.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/4341
My Email:connie@cdsinet.net
Troop/Council: Troop 450/Heart of Missouri
Level: Junior
City/State: Marshall, Mo

I liked your site. It has some good links. We are also from the Heart of Missouri council.

sara - 08/12/99 18:02:39
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/az2 / sarapooh
My Email:bearblondi@hotmail.com
Troop/Council: 1616
Level: 1616
City/State: cactus trails


Susan - 08/07/99 20:01:07
My URL:www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Fountain/9258
My Email:super@kna.to
Troop/Council: Sahuaro
Level: Brownie
City/State: Arizona

You have a very nice site. Sounds like you have had a great time this year. Keep up the great work!!!

Faith Hale - 08/06/99 16:58:47
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/girlscouts
My Email:troll@multipro.com
Troop/Council: Troop #256 Tanasi Council
Level: Cadette
City/State: Crossville, Tennessee

Great Site! Kepp up the good work! Will come back and check your progress.

Shutterbug - 08/05/99 01:30:15
My URL:http://www3.sympatico.ca/mgrant/detour.htm
Troop/Council: Moira Division
City/State: Ontario, Canada

It has been great visiting your web pages - keep up the good work.

Come and visit banner

Troop 647 - 08/03/99 21:53:14
My URL:http://girlscouts.allhere.com
My Email:bri_rose@hotmail.com
Troop/Council: Wilderness Road Council
Level: Cadette/Senior
City/State: Berea, KY

Thanks for signing our guestbook. We thought we'd return the favor & check your site out. It's really good. Sounds like you girls do a lot of fun activities!

Mary Willett - 08/01/99 02:56:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/enchantedforest/fountain/7512
My Email:mnwillett@aol.com
Troop/Council: 715 Girl Scout Council of the Nation's Capital
Level: Junior
City/State: Washington Grove, MD

Thanks for visiting our site and signing our guestbook!! You were actually the first to do so (except for me testing it, but that doesn't count!)

trevor - 07/28/99 08:07:15
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/bethiebunny
My Email:20thCenturyGirl@sailormoonfan.com
City/State: jemison, alabama

cute site. my aunts have a site for their junior and brownie troops that i helped them get up and running a few days ago. when i stopped in today i noticed that they had joined a webring, and when i clicked "next" it brought me here (amazing, isn't it?). our guestbook looked a little lonely, so i decided to sign it. feel free to hop on over to my aunts' site when you've got a little free time: http://members.tripod.com/GS774/ --bethanie "trevor" grisaffi-- http://members.tripod.com/bethiebunny

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