L-R Faye Graham, Lois Thornton, Kathleen Mason, and Karen Barlow. Faye, Lois, and Karen came from South Georgia to watch Lois' great-nephew, James McCoy, and to cheer for both teams.
Kyle Barlow, son of Bradley & Karen, is ready to cheer on the Bulldogs.
We love # 61, James McCoy, offensive tackle for the Eagles. Front- Harriet McCoy, James' mom, and Rebecca Johnson, James' girlfriend. Back- James' brothers, Tom and Matt McCoy
Hairy Dawg stopped by the Continuing Education Center to get us fired up before the game.
Mr. And Mrs. Spike Jones with Bradley Barlow. Spike was the punter for UGA from 1967-1969 and holds the UGA season and career records for most yards punted.
Zack Barlow, son of Bradley & Karen, is a Bulldog fan with divided loyalties- he likes Tech too!
Tom McCoy, Rebecca Johnson, Mark Sauls, and Jackie Wright
Jackie Wright appears to be dreaming of a GSU victory as she waits with Matt McCoy for the game with UGA to begin.
Mike Cash and Michael Panullo, friends of the Jim Barlow family, were stopped by this beautiful UGA cheerleader who wanted her picture made with them.