Madison's Birth Story

Mommy holding Madison at 2 days old!

Madison's birth was quite surprising and scary! At 34 weeks into the pregnancy Mommy had not been feeling her move as much so she went to the doctor. The doctor sent her for an ultrasound and on it they saw that Maddie had almost no amniotic fluid around her! The doctor sent Mommy to a larger hospital where they did tests to see if Maddie's lungs were mature (they were) and then induced Mommy. They broke Mommy's water and nothing happened for 1 1/2 hours. Mommy thought she was in for the long haul again but then things started to pick up! Contractions started and were very hard and long. Maddie's heartrate was dropping with them so Mommy had to lay on her side for the whole labor, she hated that!
Madison Noel was born after only 5 1/2 hours of very intense labor. Mommy was begging for an epidural even though she said she didn't want one but there wasn't time! Maddie had meconium in the amniotic fluid and had to be suctioned after her birth but after they were done she started crying loudly! Mommy was so happy to hear that, she cried too! She weighed 4lb 10oz and was 17 3/4 inches long. She had to spend 11 days in the NICU because she was so small and because she had a hard time learning how to eat. She developed jaundice at 2 days old (notice how yellow she is in the picture) and had to be under the bili-lights for 2 days. Mommy says she looked like Batman with the mask on! She was 4lb 12oz when she come home eleven days after her birth.

Madison suffers from PDD, a disorder in the autism spectrum. She is both our greatest joy and our greatest challange. Please take a moment to say a prayer for all special needs children and thier parents and families, for they are certainly gifts from God, given to those he knew would love them.

For the test of the heart is trouble
And it always comes with years
And the smile that is worth the praises of earth
Is the smile that shines through the tears.
-Irish Proverb


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